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Understanding Coral Bleaching: Research and Lessons from Mo’orea

by Jannine Chamorro, Moorea Coral Reef LTER Last September I had the opportunity to participate in a project studying coral bleaching in Mo’orea, French Polynesia. This was the first time I had ever worked in a remote field location. While initially the thought of flying to a place I could not see on a map… Read more »

Mentoring Undergraduate Students at Moorea Coral Reef LTER

LTER sites preset extraordinary opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to learn about the process of science — and to discover whether their strengths and interests fit the demands of field ecology. Russell Schmitt and Sally Holbrook discuss how the Moorea Coral Reef site mentors undergraduate students and the rewards of the experience.  

LTER Network News | April 2020

We’ve appreciated the many landscape images posted by LTER sites over the past month to remind us of the beauty and diversity of our field sites waiting for us when we can return to our regular field research.                        

2019 Information Management Committee Meeting Report

Summary of the proceedings of the 2019 meeting of the full information management committee, held in conjunction with the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) annual meeting.

To go or not to go (in the field)?

Many ecologists are now faced with a choice: continue field measurements and manipulations or halt them voluntarily and accept the cost to their science and sometimes their budgets. the LTER Network Office offers some considerations for those faced with this difficult decision.

Remote Teaching Resources

The number of resources for high quality remote instruction is exploding. We’ve gathered just a few of the best, most appropriate resources for instruction and meeting design here. If you know of additional resources that would be helpful to include, please send links and a short description to Content Resources Understanding research. This series… Read more »

Remote Learning Resources

Many LTER sites offer online resources for educators and families who would like to use LTER science in their lessons or at-home learning. The list below will get you started with the wealth of material available across the network. We are continuously compiling new resources and links so please check back regularly. LTER Schoolyard Book… Read more »