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2020 Science Council Meeting

  Due to the COVID 19 pandemic and associated precautions, the 2020 LTER Science Council meeting took place online. Videos for talks are available online -- through the links below or at the LTER YouTube Channel. The 2021 LTER Science Council meeting will take place in person, at the Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER Site, the week... Read more »

UREx SRN – Latin American International Research Experience

The Resilient Urban Latin America (RULA) International Research Experience for Students (IRES) project offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to conduct nine weeks of onsite research in a Latin American city that faces climate extremes. The research experience is in Bogotá, Colombia summer 2020. See the application for date selections. This research will afford… Read more »

Research Experience for Undergraduates – California Current Ecosystem

We seek undergraduate students to participate in interdisciplinary oceanographic research as part of the NSF-funded California Current Ecosystem (CCE) Long Term Ecological Research LTER site. The CCE LTER site is an interdisciplinary group of scientists, students and educators working to understand and communicate the effects of long term climate variability on the California Current pelagic… Read more »

2019 Network Coordination Office Solicitation

NSF solicitation NSF19544. Open competition for LTER Network Coordination Office, awarded to UCSB/NCEAS, which had supported the LTER Network Communications Office from 2015-2019 under a grant.

2019 LTER Urban Site Solicitation

National Science Foundation solicitation NSF19594. Context: Funding for the Baltimore site was not renewed in 2019. Baltimore was winding down as this solicitation was issued.

2020 Synthesis Working Groups Announcement

The LTER Network Office announces new synthesis project awards: A global synthesis of multi-year drought effects on terrestrial ecosystems; A multi-biome synthesis investigating the controls on river Si exports; and Ecological Metagenome-derived Reference Genomes and Traits (EMERGENT).

Cold, Dry, and Phosphorus Limited: microbial activity in nutrient poor habitats

High elevation and high latitude ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts because they represent the upward range limits for organisms that are adapted to cold temperatures and low nutrient levels. Two of the biggest threats to high elevation communities are nutrient deposition (e.g. nitrogen) and climate warming. A new study by Bueno de… Read more »