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Cold, Dry, and Phosphorus Limited: microbial activity in nutrient poor habitats

High elevation and high latitude ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts because they represent the upward range limits for organisms that are adapted to cold temperatures and low nutrient levels. Two of the biggest threats to high elevation communities are nutrient deposition (e.g. nitrogen) and climate warming. A new study by Bueno de… Read more »

Sea level rise impacting nitrogen cycle in tidal freshwater marshes

GCE LTER researchers simulated the effects of long term (press) and short term (pulse) salt water intrusions in tidal freshwater marshes. Press conditions were more disastrous for the ecosystem, altering the N cycle, while the landscape was able to recover from pulse conditions.

The Coastal Everglades

The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape Editors The Coastal Everglades presents a broad overview and synthesis of research on the coastal Everglades, a region that includes Everglades National Park, adjacent managed wetlands, and agricultural and urbanizing communities. Contributors for this volume are all collaborators on the Florida Coastal Everglades… Read more »

The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape

Includes nine broadly-focused chapters that integrate major findings of coastal ecology and environmental restoration from a social-ecological perspective; Synthesizes nearly 20 years of collaborative, interdisciplinary research on the Florida Coastal Everglades and the south Florida Landscape; Presents a rich collection of scientifically- and practically-applicable coastal research in the context of environmental management and restoration.

Research Experience for Undergraduates – Virginia Coast Reserve

Applications are due February 10th. National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions are available with the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research (VCR-LTER) program for summer 2020. VCR-LTER researchers study patterns and mechanisms of ecosystem function, connectivity, and state changes in the coastal barrier system – from mainland marshes to intertidal and subtidal… Read more »

LTER Site Briefs 2019

Wondering what the major advances have been across the LTER Network? Flip through this site-by-site compilation of scientific advances, cross-site synthesis, and education and engagement activities. The site briefs presented here were compiled for the LTER Network’s 40th anniversary in 2020. LTER Site Briefs