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LTER Goals

Coordinating Committee meeting participants posed for photos at the Arctic Circle. Photo courtesy of: Nancy Grimm. LTER has six major goals summarized in the following statements: Understanding: To understand a diverse array of ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Synthesis: To create general knowledge through long-term, interdisciplinary research, synthesis of information, and development of… Read more »

LTER Network Vision and Mission Statements

Dawn Light, photo courtesy Carl Bowser, NTL LTER envisions a society in which exemplary science contributes to the advancement of the health, productivity, and welfare of the global environment that, in turn, advances the health, prosperity, welfare, and security of our nation. Thus, LTER’s mission is to provide the scientific community, policy makers, and society… Read more »


2007 Eco-Informatics Summer Institute Students Ecological science in the LTER Network  is a data-intensive effort covering vast temporal and spatial scales and drawing on data  from ground-based sampling,  sensor networks, and imagery from satellite and airborne platforms to answer questions from a community of researchers, policy-makers, and educators. The practice of Informatics is critical to:… Read more »

Core Research Areas

Five core research themes have been central to LTER Network science from the conception of the Network. Research in these core areas requires the involvement of many scientific disciplines, over long time spans and broad geographic scales. Data on the core areas are collected to establish and understand the existing conditions in an ecosystem before... Read more »

LTER Acronym List

List of Acronyms used in approximate order of appearance:

LTER – Long Term Ecological Research
LNO – LTER Network Office
NSF – National Science Foundation
EB – LTER Network Executive Board
ARRA – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
SC – LTER Network Science Council
DSS – LNO Director of Synthesis Support
FTE – Full-time Equivalent
ED – LNO Executive Director
ASM – LTER All Scientists Meeting
UNM – University of New Mexico
IMC – LTER Information Management Committee
NIS – LTER Network Information System
CIO – LTER Network Chief Information Officer

LTER Network Strategic and Implementation Plan 2011

The 2011 Strategic and Implementation Plan resulted from an extensive planning process that ran concurrently with the 30-year review of the Network. The attached document summarizes and then details a set of Network strategies for building on past successes. It prioritized activities in five key areas: Research, Education, Communication, Information Management, and Coordination with other… Read more »