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2012 LTER Program Solicitation

This solicitation formalizes the basic requirements and expectations of all Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) proposals.

At the current time, the LTER program is accepting only renewal proposals from existing projects.

Should funds become available to support new sites, a Dear Colleague Letter or a revised solicitation will be released specifying the criteria for an open competition.

Network Overview

Aaron Ellison (right) works with undergraduate students Chelsea Kammerer-Burnham (center) and David Diaz (left) in the summer undergraduate research program.(Harvard Forest LTER). HFR LTER. The largest and longest-lived ecological network in the United States, LTER provides the scientific expertise, research platforms, and long-term datasets necessary to document and analyze environmental change. The Network brings together… Read more »


The LTER Network was founded in 1980 by the National Science Foundation with the recognition that long-term research could help unravel the principles and processes of ecological science, which frequently involves long-lived species, legacy influences, and rare events. As policymakers and resource managers strive to incorporate reliable science in their decision making, the LTER Network… Read more »

LTER 30 Year Review Report

Long-Term Ecological Research Program:  A Report of the 30 Year Review Committee