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report: LTER Fungal/Microbial genomics working group meeting 2011

This workshop provided an opportunity for LTER fungal/microbial scientists to share current research activities, explore challenges and opportunities to develop new collaborative research questions, and define priorities in terms of microbial/fungal research in the field of ecological genomics.

Cedar Creek LTER Site Brochure

This brochure provides a description and overview of research activities at the Cedar Creek LTER.

HJ Andrews Site Brochure

This brochure provides a description and overview of research activities at the H.J. Andrews LTER.


LTER Spatial Data and Analysis (currently inactive)

The LTER Spatial Data and Analysis Ad-hoc Committee was formed at the request of the LTER Executive Board to address issues related to remote sensing and GIS data use and needs for the LTER Network.  It is composed of volunteers from the LTER communty interested in research related to remote sensing and GIS data analysis.

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 2011

In this issue of Databits, we see results from group and individual efforts to better serve the LTER Network, both from a technological and a socio-technical perspective. Noting that “one would be hard-pressed this fall to find an idle information manager,” IMC Co-Chairs Don Henshaw and Margaret O’Brien provide a detailed synopsis of the activities… Read more »