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Network News Vol. 17 No. 2 Fall 2004

Top Stories: Editorial from the Executive Director; LTER Network Plans for the Future; LTER Grows to 26 Sites as NSF Grants $10 Million for Ocean Research SITE NEWS Coweeta Completes Major Facilities Improvement and Expansion; Jornada Helps BLM to Answer Land Management Questions; Newfound Grasshopper Takes to the Trees on Konza Prairie NETWORKING NSF News: Interdisciplinarity is the Key for ’04 Supplement Funding; LTER CC Holds Successful Meeting in Alaska; Climate Committee Takes Aim at Extreme Climatic Events; Informatics Bits and Bytes; NEON Design Process Energized

2004 Information Managers Meeting Report

The annual IM meeting was held July 28-31, 2004 in Portland, Oregon and was attended by representatives from 23 of the 26 sites, members of the IT group from the LTER Network Office, and IT partners (link to participant list). The meeting agenda included presentations from recent projects (items 1-2 below), working group discussions (3-8), appointment of a new DataBits editor (9), and election of new IMExec members (10). Special emphasis was given in the meeting to the product-oriented working groups.

LTER DataBits Fall 2004

Linda Powell describes new IM System tools at FCE LTER. Dan Higgins and Matt Jones explain the Kepler system for scientific workflows. Teresa Valentine introduces the Watershed DB. Also, EML in Latin America and new forest service database.

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 2004

New information management tools for Interactive mapping, Data management, XML conversion,  Scientific workflows Data Harvesting. ClimDB and HydroDB go spatial with the formation of WatershedDB. News Bits. Good Reads. \DataBits is a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers… Read more »

2003 LTER Planning Grant Proposal

The Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network is poised to address a set of new initiatives to be pursued in response to these environmental Grand Challenges. It is this background which sets the stage for intensive Network-wide planning activities that started at the LTER All Scientist Meeting held in September 2003, and that, if funded, would continue over a 24-month period.