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2003 National Advisory Board Report

Thank you for an excellent and productive meeting of the LTER National Advisory Board (NAB) in Albuquerque, Friday June 20. The members of the Board who were able to participate appreciate the effort you and your staffs made to ensure our comfort and to provide us with all of the information we needed. The following comments summarize our discussions, identify issues that we think should be resolved, and outline our plans for the continued work of the NAB.

May 2003 Report from the NIS-Advisory Group Meeting

A group of LTER PIs and Information Managers met at the Spring 2003 Coordinating Committee Meeting at Kellogg Biological Station to launch the effort toward form an LTER Network Information System. This report was presented to the Coordinating Committee.

LTER DataBits Spring 2003

Featured in this issue: Matt Jones explains the grid computing concept and describes a major new grid computing initiative for ecologists; Bill Michener fleshes out the context of that initiative with a sketch of SEEK, a wide-reaching grant for information technology in ecology. Peter Arzberger and others give us an insider’s look at an international grid computing effort for environmental science. Chad Berkley and Peter McCartney bring us up to date on the latest tools for doing ecology on the grid.

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2003

Matt Jones explains the grid computing concept and describes a major new grid computing initiative for ecologists; Bill Michener fleshes out the context of that initiative with a sketch of SEEK, a wide-reaching grant for information technology in ecology. Peter Arzberger and others give us an insider’s look at an international grid computing effort for… Read more »

Network News Vol. 16 No.1 Spring 2003

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Top Stories: Strategic Planning for LTER SITE NEWS: SGS Symposium; MCM -Exploring an Ecosystem Entombed in Ice Milestones; LUQ – Take a Journey to El Yunque; PAL – On-line Journaling and Data Bridges the Learning Gap to the Antarctic. NETWORKING: LTER ASM 2003; Implementing EML At LTER Sites; National Invasive Species Database; Agricultural Landscapes in Transition; Ecoinformatics Training for Field Stations; Journals Feature LTER Network; The Value of LTER Site Augmentation. EDUCATION: Education Update.