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2002 Publications Committee Report

Status of LTER Synthesis Efforts, including OUP Books, April, 2002: Brief overview of volumes in the LTER Network: This is a farewell address from your Publications Committee chair. I have enjoyed working with the committee over the past five years.

Spring 2002 Technology Committee Report

LTER Technology Committee Report April, 2002 John Vande Castle. The LTER Technology committee has not met since an executive session in 2001. However, the LTER Network as a whole, and the LTER Network Office have investigated and implemented a number of technology related items listed as important for LTER in the previous LTER Technology Committee report.

Long Term Ecological Research Core Areas

1. Core Research Questions – Initially, at least, only a modest number of research questions can be asked in a uniform and coordinated fashion at a majority of participating sites. The following are five areas of core research suggested for a majority of the sites, whether they are focused on terrestrial or aquatic systems.

Graduate Student Committee Report Spring 2002

Graduate Student Committee Annual Report April 17, 2002 Robert J. Daoust and Jennifer W. Edmonds Co-chairs. Since the last Co-ordinating Committee meeting, held in Tempe, we have successfully created an Official Guide for Graduate Student Site Representatives in the USA LTER Network.

LTER DataBits Spring 2002

Ecological Metadata Language (EML): Augmenting Research Tools and Capabilities, a quick introduction to Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), a review of software tools for working with Extensible Markup Language (XML), an article on metadata management and what role Morpho and Metacat could play in an overall information management strategy at a LTER site, a review of several Email client applications, and an article about using the LTER LDAP Server.

Spring 2002 Information Management Committee Report

1. NIS (Network Information System). Since its formation in 1988, the LTER IM (Information Mangers) Committee has worked to facilitate intersite research through the application of new techniques in computer science and the emerging field of ecoinformatics.