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Spring 2002 Social Sciences Committee Report

Report from the Social Sciences Working Group Chuck Redman (CAP) and Morgan Grove (BES) LTER Network Coordinating Committee Meeting, Spring 2002 12 April 2002

2002 Presentation: The Role of Monitoring in Sustainable Ecosystem Management – Case Study for the

The Role of Monitoring in Sustainable Ecosystem Management: a Case Study for the Tropical Deciduous Forest in West Mexico – EMAN-ILTER Meeting, Ottawa, Canada. April 10-12, 2002 EMAN-ILTER Meeting, Ottawa, Canada. April 10-12, 2002 Manuel Maass, Víctor Jaramillo Angelina Martínez-Yrízar & Felipe García-Oliva Instituto de Ecología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Campus Morelia

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2002

Ecological Metadata Language (EML): Augmenting Research Tools and Capabilities, a quick introduction to Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), a review of software tools for working with Extensible Markup Language (XML), an article on metadata management and what role Morpho and Metacat could play in an overall information management strategy at a LTER site, a review… Read more »

Climate Committee Report Spring 2002

Report from the LTER Climate Committee to the LTER Coordinating Committee meeting Sevilleta, N.M., Spring, 2002 Prepared by Douglas G. Goodin (April 3, 2002).

Network News Vol. 15 No.1 Spring 2002

LTER Symposium At NSF… Fire Research at Shortgrass Steppe… New Facility Upgrades at Coweeta… International Cooperation at McMurdo… Graduate Student Research Integral to Bonanza Creek LTER … Ecological Cascades Follow Mammalian Herbivory in Alaska… Reconsidering nitrogen cycling in high-latitude ecosystems… Whole-lake Removal of Exotic Species… All LTER Education Summit… Network Information System Progress… Ecological Metadata Language (EML) for the LTER Network… International LTER

2002 French and US Network-to-Network Collaboration Workshop Report

Workshop Report – French (Zones Ateliers) And United States (Long Term Ecological Research) Network-To-Network Collaboration In Long Term Integrated Environmental Research And Management Different areas in integrated environmental research and management (IERM) have converged over the last twenty years along three broad lines of issues and themes, as reflected in the United States (U.S.) by changes in the scope and kinds of questions addressed by many sites in the U.S.

2001 LTER Network Office Annual Progress Report

SUMMARIZING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE LTER NETWORK OFFICE DURING THE FIFTH YEAR OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT DEB–9634135 – The LTER Network Office played key roles in four major activities during 2001-2002. The Network Office continued its leadership role in the effort to refresh the intellectual aims of LTER and to prioritize activities over the next 10 years. Staff from the Network Office took the lead in providing information requested by the panel conducting the 20 Year Review of the LTER program and contributed to the written network response to nine issues raised by the panel.