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LTER DataBits Fall 2001

DataBits: An electronic newsletter for Information Managers. Spring 2001 Featured in this issue: A Custom data management system, International LTER Information Management Workshop, The NASA Scientific Data Purchase Program, and Web-based data entry for dummies.

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 2001

Reports from information management workshops across the globe, a review of tools for importing structured text files into relational databases, and a comprehensive report on efforts to create a metadata standard for models and data sets from ecological simulation modeling efforts at Luquillo Experimental Forest. DataBits continues as a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long… Read more »

2001 LTER Site Characteristics

Summarizes and compares information between sites, such as number of Pis, average dollar amount per PI, and number of graduate students at each site.

2001 Information Managers Meeting Report

Representatives from all 24 LTER sites attended and actively participated in the 2001 LTER Information Managers Meeting in Madison, WI. Other attendees included James Brunt, David Blankman, Owen Eddins, Troy Maddux, Bill Michener, and John VandeCastle from the Network Office , Judy Cushing and Erik Ordway from the Forest Canopy project, Matt Jones from NCEAS, Dick Olson from the Oakridge National Laboratory, Jens Schumacher from the German Biodiversity project at the University of Jena, and Phyllis Adams from the National Park Service.