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LTER DataBits Spring 2001

LTER Databits – Information Management Newsletter of the LTER Network – Spring 2001- Featured in this issue: A Custom data management system, International LTER Information Management Workshop, The NASA Scientific Data Purchase Program, and Web-based data entry for dummies.

Spring 2001 Education Committee Report

Schoolyard Education of the Long-Term Ecological Research Program (SLTER)- Report to the LTER Coordinating Committee – Spring 2001

Measuring the Success of the LTER Network

This presentation introduces challenges facing ecological sciences in the 21st century, and proposes methods used by the LTER Network to meet those challenges.

The OBFS Network

An introduction to the Organization of Biological Field Stations, including common research themes, new initiatives on the horizon, and collaborations with the LTER Network.

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2001

A Custom data management system, International LTER Information Management Workshop, The NASA Scientific Data Purchase Program, and Web-based data entry for dummies. DataBits continues as a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers and to incorporate rotating co-editorship. Availability… Read more »