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2001 Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

The Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) LTER program is in its first year of funding, and thus we propose to use this supplemental request to begin our Schoolyard LTER program. The Schoolyard LTER program is currently the cornerstone and focus of our education and outreach efforts, and the 3 coordinating Principal Investigators of this request are the FCE Education and Outreach Working Group.

2001 Coweeta LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

Ecological Education in the Coweeta LTER Program: Supplement to Grant DEB-96-32854. Submitted to National Science Foundation on 28 January 2000. Edited 22 January 2001

2001 Jornada Basin LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Program recently began its fourth full funding cycle. Administration of the program has returned to New Mexico State University in 2000 after a number of years of leadership by Duke University scientists. Our focus on desertification processes in the Chihuahuan region is increasingly relevant to human concerns in the area, as the population grows, land uses change, and pressures on natural resources intensify.

2001 Niwot Ridge LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

Supplemental Proposal for Schoolyard LTER program to NSF DEB-9211776 for FY2001 The Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research Program 1998-20004: Control on the Structure, Function and Interactions of Alpine and Subalpine Ecosystems of the Colorado Front Range.

2001 Kellogg LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

A long-term partnership among area science teachers, KBS LTER scientists, and MSU College of Education faculty to enhance the content and delivery of Michigan’s K-12 science curriculum.

2001 Central Arizona – Phoneix LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

From an initial collaboration sparked with 12 schools in 1998, the CAP LTER Ecology Explorers program has expanded to include 29 schools and 41 teachers drawn from elementary, middle, and high schools. Two previous Schoolyard LTER Supplements have supported popular summer workshops and internships that engage numerous teachers in our schoolyard sampling protocols for the vegetation survey, ground arthropod investigation, bird survey, plant/insect interaction study, and the canal sampling study.

2001 Konza Prairie LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

Request for Konza Prairie Schoolyard LTER Supplement. The Konza Prairie Schoolyard LTER (SLTER) program was initiated with supplemental funding from the LTER Program in 1998. Prior to this, the Konza Environmental Education Program (KEEP) had not included data collection activities for K-12 students, although the local school districts were taking advantage of the site to learn about the tallgrass prairie and the research projects carried out there.

2001 Andrews LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

The first three years of Schoolyard LTER activities associated with the Andrews LTER Program have gone well. We continue to expand our efforts with leveraged support from several Oregon school districts and an Oregon State University-based K-12 program (SMILE).