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Network News Vol. 11 No. 2 Fall 1998

Newsletter of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network – Hurricane George hits Luquillo… Coweeta Regionalization Study… Effects of Rising Seas on Waterbirds (VCR)… Qualifying Physical Forcing on Biological Systems (PAL)… Cross Site Soil Study… First LTER Education Workshop… Annual Information Managers Meeting… Latin American LTER IM Meeting… Development of Central European LTER… International Student Exchange… LTER Scientists Attend North American Science Symposium… Warra-The first Australian LTER Site… The Middle East Sustainable Land Initiative…

1998 North American Science Symposium Report

November 1-6. 1998. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico -This symposium provided an excellent opportunity for interactions among U.S. LTER, Canadian, and Mexican scientists for the facilitation of a North American Regional LTER Network. Excellent papers were presented by the following LTER scientists on behalf of LTER:

Fall 1998 Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes

MINUTES of the Long Term Ecological Research Coordinating Committee Meeting: Northern Temperate Lakes LTER Program, Madison, Wisconsin October 16-18, 1998 Chair: James Gosz Science Theme: Linking natural and socioeconomic processes: long term human interactions with the landscape. Notes of John Vande Castle, last edited 11/1/1998