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1998 Data Management Workshop Report

The annual LTER Information Managers Meeting was held July 30-August 1, 1998, hosted by the new, urban Baltimore LTER Site. Twenty of the 21 sites were represented with Cedar Creek not represented.

International Long Term Ecological Research Network 1998

The following ILTER Network countries provided chapters for a book on the ILTER network published by the US LTER Network Office in July 1998. (No chapters were provided by Colombia or Mongolia.) See also

1998 Palmer LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

Palmer LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request – 16 July 1998 Raymond C. Smith, PI 1.0 Introduction This proposal is a supplement to the original LTER PAL proposal (Smith et al., 1996). Consequently, the scientific details, hypotheses and goals articulated in that document are not reiterated here. This supplemental proposal requests funds to interact with several local schools to stimulate the development of schoolyard LTERs.

Network News Vol. 11 No. 1 Spring 1998

Newsletter of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network – Network Office Survives Transition… Cross Site Research From ARC and NWT… Remote Jensing From JRN… PAL Sets Sail a New Research Vessel.. Profiles of New Urban and Land Margin Sites… Biodiversity Project.. Information Management.. New Education Committee Forms.. Teacher get Hands-on Experience at MCM… LTER Teams up With the Santa Fe Institute… Asian Grad. Students Visit AND… Update of ILTER Developments… Plans for Collaborations Between ILTER and GTOS…

1997 LTER Network Office Annual Progress Report

ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORTSUMMARIZING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE LTER NETWORK OFFICE DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT DEB-9634135 – The University of New Mexico assumed responsibility for the operation and management of the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Office (NET) on March 15, 1997. During the first year of the Cooperative Agreement, a sub-award to the University of Washington provided for continuity in the operation of the LTER electronic communications network including the LTER and International LTER (ILTER) home pages.

Research Metadata in Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) 1997

Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Sites manage a diverse array of ecological information resulting from research on ecological succession, disturbance, landscape ecology, elemental cycling, trophic structure, biodiversity, organic matter and primary productivity. Since its inception in 1980, the LTER Network has evolved from a primarily site-based research focus to a network and cross-site focus. Coincident with this evolution has been the development of metadata standards.

Network News Issue 20 Winter 1997

Perspectives on the LTER Program… Proposed LTER, LMER, and JGOFS Merger… Caroline Bledsoe: Contributions as LTER Research Coordinator… New Journal Entitled Ecological Issues… Jerry Melillo Nominated by President to Fill Environmental Position at OSTP… New Graduate Student Committee Chair… H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest… Luquillo Experimental Forest… Retention of Trifluoroacetate (TFA) in LTER Soil… Studies Initiated at Coweeta as a Result of Hurricane Opal… LTER System is the Model for Ecology Course at University of Georgia…

Data and Information Management in the Ecological Sciences: A Resource Guide

More than 100 individuals attended a two-day workshop (August 8-9, 1997) entitled Data and Information Management in the Ecological Sciences that was held at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Objectives of the workshop were to: effect technology transfer, especially at biological field stations and marine laboratories; facilitate people networking; communicate training needs and opportunities; identify future needs for data management at field stations; and produce hard copy and digital versions of the proceedings.

1997 Data Management Workshop Report

Information Managers (IM’s) from the LTER Network met for a one-day annual business meeting at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, on August 7, 1997.