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International Long Term Ecological Research Network 2000

The ILTER 200 book was produced by the U.S. LTER Network Office in July, 2000. Twenty one countries provided chapters for this publication, in addition to Regional Reports from Central Europe, Asia, and North America.

2000 LTER Network Office Site Review Report

REPORT OF THE SITE REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE LTER NETWORK OFFICE May 8, 2000 – The site review committee (SRC) met in Albuquerque, NM on May 8, 2000, at the request of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to review the activities of the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Office (NET). The purpose of this review is to provide feedback to NET administration and personnel regarding activities for the past three years since the start of the award from NSF, which funds the NET.

LTER DataBits Spring 2000

LTER Databits – Information Management Newsletter of the LTER Network – Spring 2000

LTER Technology Report for the LTER Strategic Plan (The “Gosz Report”)

This report follows the Shugart Committee Report which identified the scientific issues being addressed by the LTER sites and made recommendations for network-wide capabilities to address those issues. The following is a summary of those issues and recommendations to lead to the charge given to the Technology Committee (TC).

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2000

Featured in this issue: Data management tools & resources, 2000 All-Scientists Meeting DataBits continues as a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers and to incorporate rotating co-editorship. Availability is through web browsing as well as hardcopy output. LTER… Read more »

Network News Vol. 13 No.1 Spring 2000

Newsletter of the Long-Term Ecological Research – Konza Prairie LTER’s Award Winning Grad. Students… Hubbard Brook LTER Begins 50-year Acid Rain Study… Palmer LTER in the News… New Tundra Cam at Niwot Ridge LTER… Introducing the New Coastal LTER Sites (Florida Coastal Evergaldes, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems, Santabarbara Coastal)…Intersite Research Among LTER’s Stream Ecologists… Remote Sensing Roundup…

1999 LTER Network Office Annual Progress Report

SUMMARIZING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE LTER NETWORK OFFICE DURING THE THIRD YEAR OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT DEB–9634135 – The third year of the Cooperative Agreement establishing the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Office (NET) at the University of New Mexico ended on March 14, 2000. All activities proposed for the third year of the Cooperative Agreement were completed on schedule. A summary of noteworthy accomplishments during the past year is given below followed by descriptions of specific progress made in the seven major areas of responsibility of the Network Office.

Integrating Social Science into Long Term Ecological Research

TOWARD A UNIFIED UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN ECOSYSTEMS: INTEGRATING SOCIAL SCIENCE INTO LONG-TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH In pursuit of a thorough, scientific understanding of the world around us, biological ecologists and social scientists have each worked within their own academic disciplines to develop a wide range of empirical studies, methods, and models to identify key drivers, processes, and controls that regulate human behavior and interactions with the environment.

2000 North Temperate Lakes Schoolyard LTER Supplement

In the fall of 1998, we began a pilot partnership with two schools, Arbor Vitae-Woodruff School in Vilas County near our Trout Lake Station, and Country View School in Dane County, which is where our southern Wisconsin sampling sites are located. By the end of the 1998-99 school year, we had accomplished the following goals.