Schoolyard LTER Supplement 9900 – Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research Education Plan Development in Support of Schoolyard LTERs Raymond C. Smith, PI and Karen S. Baker, Co-PI 1.0 Introduction This proposal is a supplement to the original LTER Palmer proposal (Smith et al., 1996) and, as with our 1998-99 and 1999-2000 LTER Schoolyard Supplements, incorporates Antarctic marine science and emphasizes the concept of long term research.
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2000 LTER Network Office Schoolyard Supplement Request
The National Science Foundation recently requested proposals for supplements to existing Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) programs for the purpose of establishing T1 connectivity to field stations that serve the LTER programs. As part of these supplement requests, LTER sites were invited to establish similar levels of connectivity at associated Schoolyard LTER (SLTER) sites. Twelve sites requested funds to improve connectivity to 20 secondary schools affiliated with LTER sites.
2000 Central Arizona Phoenix Schoolyard LTER Supplement
Update on previous support: Environmental education and outreach activities are woven throughout the CAP LTER project.
A Research Agenda for Microbial Observatories: A 1999 Perspective from Intensive LTER Projects
The LTER Committee on Microbial Ecology – Microbes are essential for the functioning of ecological systems. Vital microbial processes include decomposition and mineralization, many aspects of the nitrogen cycle (e.g., nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification), plant nutrient uptake via mycorrhizal associations, microbial nutrient immobilization, the production of biomass to fuel ecosystem food webs, and the breakdown of toxic materials. While ecologists have developed methods to measure many of the rates of these processes, most have effectively ignored the microbes themselves.
Network News Vol. 12 No. 2 Fall 1999
Newsletter of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network – Memorial to Tom Callahan… Spy Satellite Imagery Available… ARC Scientiests Develop Test Method… Changing of the Guard at Jornada LTER… Boreal Forest Research at BNZ LTER… Proposal Writing Workshop For Education… Soil Standards Published… Graduate Committee Report… KDI Grant Funded… Graduate Student Committee Report.. Project FIRST at OBFS Sites Begins Metadata Revisited… X-Site Stream Study… Japan/US LTER Student Exchange… North American Regional Network Holds First Meeting…
1999 Data Management Workshop Report
Representatives from 20 of the 21 LTER sites attended and actively participated in the 1999 LTER Information Managers Meeting, in Spokane, Washington, August 4-6, 1999. The Cedar Creek LTER was not represented for the second year in a row.
Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes Fall 1999
Minutes of the Coordinating Committee Meeting Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire October 1, 1999
LTER DataBits Fall 1999
LTER Databits – Information Management Newsletter of the LTER Network – Fall 1999 – Featured in this issue: an overview of the recently funded NSF/KDI Biodiversity partnership plans in addition to a variety of approaches to metadata, conferencing, visualization and training. DataBits continues as a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers and to incorporate rotating co-editorship. Availability is through web browsing as well as hardcopy output.
Education Committee Report Fall 1999
The suggestion to NSF to create a special RFP for LTER education was not accepted.
DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1999
Featured in this issue: an overview of the recently funded NSF/KDI Biodiversity partnership plans in addition to a variety of approaches to metadata, conferencing, visualization and training. DataBits continues as a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers and… Read more »