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2001 Andrews LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

The first three years of Schoolyard LTER activities associated with the Andrews LTER Program have gone well. We continue to expand our efforts with leveraged support from several Oregon school districts and an Oregon State University-based K-12 program (SMILE).

2001 Bonanza Creek LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

With this letter, we request Supplemental Funding for two undergraduate REU students and for the continuation of our Schoolyard LTER (SLTER) education program. This would be a supplement to LTER grant DEB-0080609 to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

2001 Palmer LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

This proposal is a supplement to the original LTER Palmer proposal (Smith et al., 1996) and, as with past supplements, incorporates Antarctic marine science and emphasizes the concept of long term research.

2001 Sevilleta LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

SUPPLEMENT REQUEST FOR THE SEVILLETA LTER PROGRAM Dr. James R. Gosz, P.I. Department of Biology, University of New Mexico Supplement to Sevilleta LTER Grant, NSF DEB 0080529 SEVILLETA SCHOOLYARD LTER – BOSQUE ECOSYSTEM

2001 Technology Task Committee Working Group Report

The full LTER Technology committee, consists of one representative per LTER site. The committee met in 1999 to review in general, current technology needs across the Network. The 1999 LTER committee report contained a number of recommendations and provided the background for this meeting. In January of 2001, John Vande Castle, the committee chair, organized a subset of the committee as a working task group to revisit LTER technology issues. This report is a summary of discussions from the meeting of this group was held at Archbold Biological Station, January 7-9, 2001.

2001 Short Grass Steppe LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

We appreciate the opportunity to upgrade and expand our research instrumentation. The proposed equipment will allow us (a) to monitor the effects of livestock grazing on net primary production on a daily or even shorter basis, (b) to expand our network of precipitation measurements for better accounting of subregional variability, and (c) to replace necessary laboratory equipment used to process samples for long-term datasets. In addition, we request funding (d) to support greater involvement by Susan Stafford for development of a long-term plan for data management at SGS-LTER.

2001 Virgnia Coast Reserve LTER Schoolyard Supplement Request

Prior to the initiation of the SLTER Program, the VCR LTER was involved with informal, ad hoc activities oriented toward the enhancement of k-12 education with a focus at the high school level. The SLTER Program has allowed for this effort to take on a more formal approach, and has been very successful to date…

2000 LTER Network Office Site Review Response

LTER Network Office’s response to the recommendations of the Site Review Committee (SRC) that visited the LTER Network Office on May 8-9, 2000.

Education Committee Report Fall 2000

At the 2000 All Scientists Meeting, a subgroup of the education committe representing interests directly related to the Schoolyard LTER program, met and subsequently submitted a request to hold a post-ASM2000 workshop. This workshop was held Dec 1 and 2 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.