Bonanza Creek, Cedar Creek, CO2 Workshop, LTER Bibliography, LTER in Hungary, LTER-NADA, Publications, Soils Survey, Students, TFA Study
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Winter 1994 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of January 29-30, 1994 LTER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Washington DC
1993 12-Site Soil Survey
At the 1993 All-Scientists Meeting, Rich Boone and I offered to compile information on soil surveys and soil maps available for each LTER site. As of early December, 12 sites had responded:
LTER 2000: Creating a Global Environmental Research Network
The Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program is a highly successful endeavor in the collection and analysis of scientific data on ecological processes, especially over longer temporal and larger spatial scales. The LTER Network currently consists of 18 site-based projects that span a broad array of ecosystems, and a collective, multi-site program in data collection and sharing, experimentation, and synthesis.
Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes Fall 1993
Fall 1993 LTER Coordinating Committee Meeting minutes, Estes Park, CO, September 1993
LTER 10 Year Review Response
The LTER Coordinating Committee has reviewed the report, Ten-Year Review of the National Science Foundation Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program, as you requested in your letter of July 12. This was done at a meeting of the full committee in Madison, WI on July 30.
1993 Data Management Workshop Report
Proceedings of the 1993 LTER Data Management Workshop held July 23-31 in Madison WI.
LTER DataBits Summer 1993
LTER Databits – Information Management Newsletter of the LTER Network – Summer 1993
LTER 10 Year Review Report
Ten-Year Review of The National Science Foundation’s Long-Term Ecological Research Program
DataBits Newsletter, Summer 1993
Welcome to the summer edition of DATABITS. There have been some exciting developments in the use of Interactive Data Access Systems within the LTER network since the last DATABITS issue. This issue includes feature articles on the new All-Site Bibliography, GOPHER information server software, connecting remote PC’s to the Internet and a look at data… Read more »