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Network News Issue 13 Spring-Summer 1993

LTER International Summit…Introducing the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis… Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems LTER/IGBP Workshop… The IGBP-BAHC Weather Generator Program… The United Kingdom Environmental Change Network… LTER-NASA Collaboration Update… Environmental Information Management and Analysis Symposium… In Memorium: John Gordon Torrey… LTER Watershed Modeling Workshop… The Long-term Decomposition Team Experiment: An Update… The Virginia Coast Reserve LTER Site… The Jornada Experimental Range LTER Site… NSF Funds New Antarctic LTER Site… 100-Year Flood Eve

1993 Notes From a Meeting Between LTER and NASA/MODIS

Notes from a meeting Between LTER and NASA/MODIS Scientists NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 3/22-3/23 1993 John R. Vande Castle. These notes are from a meeting between representatives of LTER and NASA, in particular, of the NASA/MODIS (MODLAND) team.

1992 LTER/NASA Remote Sensing Workshop

This report is the result of a workshop held between representatives of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), held November 11-13, 1992 at the Sevilleta LTER site in New Mexico.

Network News Issue 12 Winter 1992-1993

Freshwater Initiative… A LTER Office Year… SBI Implementation Plan… LTER Network Support System… CERN-LTER Collaboration Advances… KNZ-HBR Collaborative Study… VCR Sustainability Workshop… 1993 LTER All Scientists Meeting… Gordon Conference… Arctic Tundra LTER… BNZ Early Winter… AND Linking Pattern… LUQ Disturbance Impacts… Recent Publications… Calendar

LTER DataBits Fall 1992

This issue has a good balance of technical and non-technical features. There are reports on the use of interactive data access and data management policies within the LTER network. There are also plenty of hints on how to better use the computers at your site, including software reviews and technical hints. Finally, there are articles on conducting GPS campaigns and some solutions to common problems in scientific information management. There have also been some superficial format changes to DATABITS. Its now created using Framemaker software on a Sun Workstation.

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1992

Welcome to a new issue of DATABITS! This issue has a good balance of technical and non-technical features. There are reports on the use of interactive data access and data management policies within the LTER network. There are also plenty of hints on how to better use the computers at your site, including software reviews… Read more »

14. Guidelines and Sample Protocol for Sampling Forest Gaps

Abstract Runkle, James R. 1992. Guidelines and sample protocol for sampling forest gaps. Gen.Tech.Rep.PNW-GTR-283. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 44 p. Comparative studies of forest structure and dynamics require standardized methods. A protocol for sampling forest canopy gaps is presented. Methods used in published gap studies are reviewed. The sample protocol will be useful in developing a broader understanding of forest structure and dynamics through comparative studies across different forest ecosystems.