Synthesis in LTER… NSF Reorganizes Biology Directorate… LTERnet Access On the Road… LTER Data Management Survey… Electronic Discussion Lists… Watershed Modeling Workshop… Sevilleta LTER-Khoros Group Collaboration… Regional Climate Centers… LTER Climate Committee Activities Summary… Long-term Ecological Research in Israel… Kellogg Biological Station LTER Site… Konza Prairie LTER Site… Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
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Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes Spring 1992
LTER Coordinating Committee Meeting Trout Lake Station, Boulder Creek, Wisconsin February 29 – March 1, 1992
Data Management at Biological Field Stations and Coastal Marine Laboratories
Data management workshop at which representatives from field stations and coastal marine stations examined the state of data management. Held at Kellogg Biological Station, April 22-26, 1990.
Network News Issue 10 Winter 1991
U.S.-China Exchange: Laying the foundations for collaboration… In Memoriam: William Eugene Odum… Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute… Harvard Forest LTER Site… Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest LTER Site…LIDET Update… The ESA-Long-term Studies Section Collaboration… GPS Workshop and Field Campaign… LMER Program Meeting… New LMER Site Competition… SCS-LTER Collaboration
Fall 1991 LTER/SCEC Meeting Minutes
LTER/SCEC Meeting Minutes, October 19, 1991 Hog Island, Virginia Coast Reserve and Washington, D.C.
Fall 1991 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
LTER/SCEC Meeting Minutes, October 19,1991 Hog Island, Virginia Coast Reserve and Washington, D.C.
1991 Data Management Workshop Report
1991 LTER Data Management Meeting San Antonio, TX; 1-3 August 1991 Prepared by William Michener (NIN) and James Brunt (SEV) 25 scientists (at least one from each LTER site) attended the annual meeting.
13. Proceedings of the 1991 Data Management Workshop
LTER Data Management Meeting San Antonio, TX; 1-3 August 1991. The meeting was devoted to assessing LTER Data Management (DM) activities since the 1990 Workshop and forming five working groups to address specific topics.
LTER DataBits Summer 1991
LTER Databits – Information Management Newsletter of the LTER Network – Summer 1991
DataBits Newsletter, Summer 1991
This Databits features a host of technical tips (using the LTERNET rn system and e-mail made easy) and software reviews (communications software and UNIX database software) along with our usual news from the sites. There are also articles on proprietary issues in using satellite data and a new natural resources database. The report on the… Read more »