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12. Technology Development in the LTER Network

This report was prepared in response to a request from the National Science Foundation to analyze the status of the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network technical supplements and to assess future technical needs. It provides a history of technical supplements in 1989 and 1990, and a snapshot view of several important technologies across the Network as of September 1990. Since that time, use of Ingres as a relational database management system has become more widespread across the Network.

4. 1990s Global Change Action Plan

1990s Global Change Action Plan. 1990. In recognition of the critical importance of ecological research in understanding, predicting and ameliorating global change, a group of scientists representing 25 research sites met in November 1989 to consider how a network of ecological sites might contribute to research on global change. Network Office Publication Number 4. 1990s Global Change Action Plan: Utilizing a Network of Ecological Research Sites. November 1989, Colorado.

6. Climate Variability and Ecosystem Response

Climate Variability and Ecosystem Response. 1990. Proceedings of a Long Term Ecological Research Workshop. Network Office Publication Number 6. Niwot Ridge/Green Lakes Valley LTER Site. Mountain Research Station. University of Colorado, Boulder. August 21-23, 1988. Edited by David Greenland and Lloyd W. Swift, Jr. UDSA Forest Service SE Experiment Station and LTER Network Office.

LTER DataBits Fall 1990

LTER Databits – Information Management Newsletter of the LTER Network – Fall 1990 Archival storage at LTER sites, using PC-NFS and a review of two optical disks. Reports on the LTER Data Managers Meeting(s) and the ESA Long-Term Ecological Research Section, news from the sites and two new columns: GIS corner and I learned it the hard way.

Network News Issue 8 Fall 1990

LTER-USGS Program Proposed… Data Management in LTER… The LTER All Scientists Meeting… The HJ Andrews Experimental Forest LTER… North Temperate Lakes LTER Site… The Sevilleta LTER Site… USFS Forest Health Monitoring Program… The Land Margin Ecosystem Research Program…