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2013 LTER Training Workshop Proposal – Remote Data Acquisition

This training workshop will focus on three topics related to the remote acquisition of environmental sensor data typical of LTER sites: 1) photovoltaic power systems, 2) Wi-Fi networking and telemetry systems, and 3) sensor theory and datalogger programming. We will employ a combination of field demonstrations, lectures, hands-on exercises, and discussions to illustrate these concepts…. Read more »

Training Workshop for Site Science Communicators

We aim to increase the capacity of LTER sites to communicate effectively with a variety of stakeholders and to document effective communication practices across the LTER Network. To meet this goal, we ask for funds to support a training workshop for site science communicators that will take place at the LTER Network Office’s training labs… Read more »

Veg-DB Phase 2: Developing a cross-site system to improve development and access to synthetic vegetation databases

This working group will support the next stage of development for a LTER network-based system called Veg-DB that would provide improved access to vegetation data. LTER sites have become significant reservoirs of long-term data on changes in vegetation populations, structure, composition, and productivity. This information is essential to detect long-term trends, test hypotheses, and to… Read more »

Managing sensor networks and data: Best practices for LTER

We are proposing to assemble a working group of LTER information managers and representatives from other groups with experience in sensor networks to develop a best practices guide for LTER on managing sensor networks and data. The working group will examine the various sensor network strategies and applications currently in use within the LTER network… Read more »

Establishing High Quality Digital Collections of LTER Educational Resources

An LTER Educational Digital Library (LEDL) is an unprecedented, high-quality collection of educational learning resources centrally located on the LTER Education website. It includes instructional materials, educational data sets, multimedia, and visualizations serving middle, high school and undergraduate classrooms and educational professionals. Its underlying purpose is to support the teaching and learning of ecological science… Read more »

Data Management for LTER Ecologists Shortcourse

The course will cover aspects of the entire data life cycle. Best practices will be introduced including metadata content, data cleaning, database design, management of large data volumes and quality control. Best choices of technologies for various tasks will be discussed and supplemented with hands on exercises in using workflow engines, spreadsheets vs. databases, and… Read more »

GeoNIS Implementation with PASTA

The GeoNIS is intended to be the spatial data component of the network-wide NIS development. The project exposes and merges heterogeneous GIS data from the 26 LTER sites into a standard format available for the Network and broader community to perform synthetic analysis, data discovery, and visualization. Goal 3.1 of the NIS is to increase… Read more »

Training workshop: Software tools and strategies for managing sensor networks

Abstract LTER sites are actively deploying, operating, or exploring establishment of sensor networks and there is a need for coordinated training on useful tools and strategies for managing the high volume of streaming data and associated metadata. A training workshop that was cost-shared among the LTER Network Office, the NCEAS’s Kepler REAP Project, and DataONE… Read more »

Exploring the Seasonal Synchrony of Catchment Nitrogen Dynamics: The Search for a Unifying Theoretical Framework

Contrary to the predictions stemming from the nitrogen saturation hypothesis (Stoddard, 1994), some forested long-term research sites in Eastern North America exhibit peak streamwater nitrate exports during the growing season. Some initial hypotheses about climatic controls (Mullholland and Hill, 1997) have recently been questioned (Goodale et al., 2009). This is a proposal to fund a… Read more »

Enhancement of the LTER Controlled Vocabulary to Support Data Synthesis

Goals: The credo of this working group is that: Scientists seeking data should be able to efficiently and reliably locate LTER datasets through searching or browsing. In 2011, the LTER Controlled Vocabulary Working Group made substantial progress towards this goal (report attached). That progress included creating a thesaurus of over 600 keywords ( and using… Read more »