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Synthesis of stream ecosystem responses to nutrient enrichment at multiple trophic levels

The goals of this proposed LTER Synthesis Working Group are (1) to initiate and coordinate the integration of data from multiple sites on stream ecosystem responses to nutrient amendment, (2) to synthesize these data with a quantitative evaluation of functional responses at the microbial, primary producer, consumer and whole-stream levels, (3) to produce an NSF… Read more »

Sensitivity of ecosystem properties to winter climate anomalies

Climate change alters ecosystem and community properties and although inter-annual variation occurs year-round (Dominguez et al. 2012), most research on the response of ecosystems to climate change occurs during the primary growing season (e.g. Knapp et al. 2002) or uses annual averages that homogenize across seasons (e.g. Knapp & Smith 2001, Hsu et al. 2012)…. Read more »

The Ecosystem Sensitivity to Rainfall Experiment (EcoSeRE): Design and Synthesis

Objectives We are requesting funds to assemble a working group of scientists (primarily LTER and ILTER) with interest and experience in designing and conducting climate change experiments. Our goal is to continue to design a network-level experiment, proposed previously as part of the LTER Decadal Planning process, to manipulate rainfall (i.e., impose drought) in terrestrial… Read more »

Responses of soft sediment coastal ecosystems to sea level rise and coastal squeeze in the LTER Network

Goals: Coastal ecosystems are highly valued as key economic and cultural assets for society. They provide a wealth of ecosystem functions including storm protection, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, water filtration, detrital processing, fisheries, food web support, biodiversity and wildlife habitat. Rapidly growing populations and expanding development are intensifying pressures on these valuable ecosystems. Sea-level rise… Read more »

A guide to successful graduate student socio-ecological research: Insights from the Long Term Ecological Research Network

Background Two separate working groups at the 2012 ASM provided opportunities for students to discuss their socio-ecological research experiences, and to identify best practices that meet the challenges of this research agenda. The GSS working group, “Sharing Stories from Outside the Box,” was an opportunity for students to speak openly about the particular challenges of… Read more »

Mechanisms of convergence and divergence: understanding the variability of plant community responses to multiple resource manipulations

Introduction and Goals Ecologists have been tasked with predicting how communities will respond to altered environmental conditions in the face of global change. This task, however, is complicated by the inherent complexity of many ecological systems. Indeed, within a system the species composition of experimental replicates does not always respond to resource manipulations in similar… Read more »

Urban aquatic ecosystems: a synthesis working group proposal

Background and Rationale Aquatic ecosystems in urban environments are highly modified by human activity, engineering, and design. These systems are critical in delivering ecosystem services to urban residents, who comprise over 80% of the US population. This synthesis working group builds upon two impromptu meetings of interested persons held at the 2012 ASM[1]. Based upon… Read more »

Linking LTER sites via spatially explicit data: Creating a network-wide basemap and Interactive Cartographic Almanac

The LTER IM GIS working group is requesting funding for an IM buy-out for the completion and implementation of a LTER network basemap and Interactive Cartographic Almanac (ICA).  The GIS working group was asked by Robert Waide, LNO Executive Director, to develop a dynamic mapping tool for the creation of network-wide maps specifically for the… Read more »

LTER Metabase Software-as-a-Service development

This proposal outlines a project to use the GCE Metabase Metadata Management System (MMS) as a foundation for developing a software-as-a-service solution that would serve the needs of LTER sites that are currently generating EML using dataset -instance-based tools such as Morpho and the needs of sites that need to rapidly ingest and upgrade their… Read more »

Leveraging PASTA and EML-based Workflow Tools for LTER Data Synthesis

Abstract The NIS PASTA framework is nearing its first production release in December 2012, and LTER sites have made great progress over the past several years in getting EML-described core data online. LTER site Information Managers and others in the eco-informatics community have also made progress in developing or adapting software to perform analytical workflows… Read more »