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Atmospheric correction to LTER Landsat catalog

Goals: The goal of this project is to build on the previously funded work of Kyle Cavanaugh to complete the atmospheric corrections to the LTER Landsat catalog. Atmospheric corrections are required before any higher level data products (e.g. maps of land cover change, biomass, NDVI) can be created. The corrected scenes can then be used… Read more »

Cross site analysis and synthesis of arts and humanities engagement within LTER

Goals and Background. Engagement of arts and humanities in LTER programs has grown substantially over the past few years, to the point where now more than half of the LTER sites have operating or planned programs. This emergence has been the source of much excitement within and outside of the LTER Network. Four sites have… Read more »

Cross site analysis and synthesis of the role of vegetation, sediment supply, sea level rise and storminess on intertidal coastal geomorphology

Summary: Intertidal coastal environments are prone to changes induced by sea level rise, increase in storminess, and anthropogenic disturbances. It is unclear how changes in external drivers may affect the dynamics of low energy coastal environments because there are multiple evidences that their response might be non-linear, with thresholds and discontinuities. Process based modeling of… Read more »

Beyond the Numbers: Supporting an increasingly diverse LTER community

Mention “diversity” to most ecologists, and they start talking about species richness. Indeed, LTER leads the way investigating how biodiversity enhances ecosystem productivity, efficiency, and stability. The LTER Network has an opportunity to likewise take a prominent leadership role fostering a diverse scientific community and supporting the full inclusion and participation of all its members…. Read more »

Linking aquatic and soil organic matter across ecosystems through characterization of optical properties

Background: The range of sites within the LTER network provides an excellent opportunity to understand aquatic and soil OM (organic matter) dynamics in diverse ecosystems in order to develop overarching hypotheses about OM dynamics on a larger scale in the context of the global carbon cycle. Dissolved organic material (DOM) is a major pool of… Read more »

Coastal Wetland Ecology and Geomorphology

Goals. I propose a working group on coastal wetland ecology and geomorphology that will meet four times before April 2013 to develop and submit a Macrosystems Biology proposal to NSF. This working group proposal grew out of a working group (Modeling Wetland Processes) organized by S. Pennings and A. Burd at the 2012 LTER ASM,… Read more »

Quantifying Uncertainty in Wet Atmospheric Deposition

BACKGROUND      Monitoring nutrients in precipitation inputs and other ecosystem fluxes has advanced our understanding of biogeochemical cycling.  However, uncertainty due to variability or error in observations and models has rarely been reported in ecosystem studies. This makes it difficult to determine rates of change over time or compare results across multiple sites with quantitative confidence. … Read more »

Synthesizing long-term records and eco-hydrologic modeling to quantify structural legacy effects

Rationale:  While the importance of legacy effect characterization to interpreting long-term records of ecological conditions has continued to emerge (Bain et al. in review “Legacies in Material Flux: Structural Catchment Changes Pre-date Long-term Studies” BioScience) some early structural legacies (e.g. substantial soil losses to erosion) are challenging to characterize with controlled experiments.  However, the extended… Read more »

SiteDB redesign to accommodate ClimDB/HydroDB and StreamChemDB

Summary: This proposed workshop will review the current design of SiteDB and recommend design changes to facilitate the integration of value-added databases, ClimDB/HydroDB and StreamChemDB, into the Network Information System (NIS). The work will focus on the redesign of SiteDB and the development of an EML template to accommodate descriptive metadata from these value-added databases.