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EML Diagnosis and Best Practice Implementation Mentor

Summary: Of the EML datasets being contributed to the LTER NIS, a significant fraction is not of sufficient quality for automated use, and a variety of approaches will be necessary to remedy this. The EML Congruence Checker (ECC) is being developed to report on dataset usability, but experience indicates that simply informing sites of dataset… Read more »

Integrating Local Knowledge into Long Term Ecological Research – MALS Training and Planning Workshop

Objective:  Convene a three-day training/planning workshop in Spring 2012 that provides LTER investigators, LTER graduate students, and others with a theoretical orientation, practical skills, and the research tools to document local ecological knowledge and integrate that knowledge with spatial analysis and other forms of scientific data to understand social-ecological resilience

LTER Personnel Database Web Services Development

Allow site IMs to manage their personnel records through a single interface provided by LNO and then redisplay that content on their own websites by incorporating a web service call within a small web application designed to work at their own site. Allow site IMs to develop automated methods to populate or update their own… Read more »

Tools and training for sensor network establishment and management

Abstract There is strong interest among LTER sites in the establishment and management of sensor networks and there is a need for coordinated training and tool sharing. Coincidentally, NCEAS is planning a training workshop on sensor tools within the Real-time Environment for Analytical Processing (REAP) project context. We propose a single LTER/NCEAS cost-shared training that… Read more »

Acquisition and management of data from remote locations

Background:  The Sevilleta LTER possesses a large network of diverse research sites, weather stations, and webcams interconnected by a wireless network that can be remotely accessed by researchers around the world. Presently, there are approximately thirty networked research sites comprising of over fifty dataloggers, thousands of sensors, and several webcams distributed over more than 100… Read more »

Web Services Working Group (WSWG)- IM Buyout

A redesigned personnel database will be available for all sites and the LNO to use via a web service interface.  This interface may be used for the two distinct approaches currently in use by the LTER sites: Used directly by local site applications, or Used as a target for sites doing both read and write… Read more »

Coordination and Reports related to EML Congruency Checker

Current experience using Ecological Metadata Language (EML) datasets contributed to the LTER NIS indicates that a significant fraction is not of sufficient quality for automated use. I propose to spend one month (160 hours) over the course of 2011 on three tasks which will help sites contribute “PASTA-ready” EML datasets, and which communicate LTER activities… Read more »

Defining Checks to Ensure High Quality LTER Data Packages

Summary: The “quality” of a data package is a reflection of how well it may be used for a specific purpose. The emerging LTER Network Information System (NIS) is being developed to ingest EML datasets and process them in automated workflows. To do so, a data package must include access to data, complete metadata (defined… Read more »

Retrieving and using information from web services to improve EML content

Many content sections of an EML documents may now be easily standardized, improving on discoverability and potentially easing the development of the documents. This is due to the fact that some pertinent information in authoritative databases is now available via webservices. This workshop will show LTER Information Manager how to access this information, transform it… Read more »

Drupal Environmental Information Management System (DEIMS) workshop: A workshop for new and advanced DEIMS users

The Drupal Environmental Information Management System (DEIMS) (San Gil et al, 2010) group is building an information management system based on the open source Drupal Content Management System.  Drupal is used for managing information, from the database backbone to the dynamic website portal look and feel. DEIMS consists of a user-friendly metadata editor coupled with… Read more »