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Drupal Environmental Information Management System (DEIMS) workshop: A workshop for new and advanced DEIMS users

The Drupal Environmental Information Management System (DEIMS) (San Gil et al, 2010) group is building an information management system based on the open source Drupal Content Management System.  Drupal is used for managing information, from the database backbone to the dynamic website portal look and feel. DEIMS consists of a user-friendly metadata editor coupled with… Read more »

The influence of precipitation variability on diversity and composition of North American grasslands

Predictions regarding future climate change vary greatly among regions, and these predictions include directional changes such as more arid conditions in the US Southwest (Seager et al. 2007), as well as an expectation of greater interannual variability (Easterling et al. 2000). Ecologists are charged with identifying biotic communities and ecosystems most at risk for declines… Read more »

Veg-DB: Developing a cross-site system to improve access to vegetation synthetic databases

Working Group Goals: Given that this is the first attempt to address the issue of network availability of vegetation data our goals are extremely fundamental but critical at this stage: Assess the willingness of sites to participate in a Veg-DB system.  Given the complexity of these databases, participating in this system will require a significant… Read more »

Bi-stability in North American ecosystems: analyzing woody plant cover for temporal stable-state dynamics

Woody encroachment is occurring worldwide (Archer 1995), with negative effects on biodiversity in North America (Ratajczak et al. in press) and uncertain effects on ecosystem functioning (Barger et al. 2011). The spatial properties of tree and grass dominance are well-studied and strongly suggest that woody encroachment of grasslands represents a shift to an alternative stable… Read more »

Land Use Institutions, Land Use Land Cover Change, and the Distribution of Ecosystem Services

Zoning, building codes, subdivision ordinances, and neighborhood association rules are the most pervasive institutions affecting land use in the USA, yet their impact on land use change and ecosystem services and the distribution of these environmental goods and “bads” is highly variable and not well understood[1]. The purpose of this working group is to coordinate… Read more »

Development and analysis of a database of Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery to support cross-site research

Goals and ObjectivesWe propose to generate a cross-site database of existing Landsat TM satellite imagery covering each of the 26 current sites in the LTER network from 1985-present.  We will then collaborate with researchers from a subset of sites to create higher-level cross-site data products including atmospherically corrected surface reflectance data and time-series maps of… Read more »

Responses of ecosystem productivity to Critical Climate Periods; understanding the role of fine-scale temporal climate patterns on ecosystem productivity

Goals and Hypotheses Based on this conceptual framework and the ability of CCP analyses to improve our understanding of ecosystem processes over annual climate characteristics at KNZ we propose to expand this CCP analysis to all terrestrial LTER sites.  In addition to the site-level understanding of plant production with CCPs, a broader understanding of ecosystem… Read more »