Opportunity Type: ,

Researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the University of Kansas (KU) are seeking two undergraduate students, especially from underrepresented groups, to join a Coastal- Heartland Marine Biology Summer Research Exchange Program.

The nine-week program involves four weeks (approx. 6/12/2023-7/7/2023) getting hands-on exposure to marine biology systems and data at WHOI, followed by four weeks (approx. 7/8/2023-8/5/2023) at
KU learning data analytic approaches and applying them to data from marine systems. Students will
carry out their own research projects with the assistance of project staff. The final week of the program
will take place at the annual Ecological Society of America meeting (8/7/2023-8/11/2023), in Portland,
OR, where students will get broad exposure to the field of ecology and to ecological research.
Students will be paid a stipend of $6000. Housing costs, flights or other transport to and from the sites,
and conference fees will also be provided.

The main purpose of the program is to orient students to the fields of ecology and marine biology, to
provide research experience, and to encourage the realization that these fields can provide excellent
and fascinating career possibilities for students from a very wide range of backgrounds. A strong
curiosity about natural systems is more important for success in this program than specific background
knowledge. Students from backgrounds underrepresented in ecological and marine research are
especially encouraged to apply.

WHOI, located in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod, is a major research institution dedicated to
advancing knowledge of the ocean and its connection with the Earth system. KU, located in Lawrence,
Kansas, is a premier research university with special excellence in ecology and evolutionary biology. The
program will be led by Drs. Tom Bell of WHOl and Dan Reuman of KU and is funded by a National
Science Foundation grant.

For questions about the program, please contact Bell (tbell@whoi.edu) or Reman (reuman@ku.edu).
To apply, please send a cover letter describing your background and interest, a CV, and contact
information for two references to Reman and Bell. Review of applications will begin 12/1/2022. We will
continue to accept applications until positions are filled. Additional, background information can be
found below.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: https://www.whoi.edu/; University of Kansas Department of
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: https://eeb.ku.edu/; University of Kansas Center for Ecological
Research: https://biosurvey.ku.edu/;Reuman Lab: https://reumanlab.ku.edu/; Bell Lab: