The LTER Network maintains a strong tradition of self-governance through four Network-wide standing committees and a series of smaller appointed committees and project teams.

The Principal Investigator from each LTER site serves on the Science Council, which provides scientific direction and vision to the LTER Network. Representatives from the Information Management, Education and Outreach, and Diversity Committees, as well as the Executive Directors of the LTER Network Office and the Environmental Data Initiative hold non-voting posts on the Science Council.

A rotating Executive Board carries on the day-to-day business of the Network. Each PI serves a 3-year rotation on the Executive Board, which meets monthly and is empowered to act on behalf of the Science Council. The Chair of the Science Council oversees the activities of the Executive Board and serves as — or appoints liaisons to — NSF, other agencies, associations, networks, the public, and to Network committees.

Committee Description Chair(s)
Executive Board The Executive Board manages the day-to-day business of the LTER Network. It is composed of representatives from 8 sites, each serving 3-year, staggered terms, plus representatives from each of the network-wide committees..
Science Council The LTER Science Council is responsible for the direction and vision of the LTER Network
Information Management Committee of information management representatives from each site.  
Education and Outreach Committee of education representatives from each LTER site.  
Graduate Student Committee of graduate student representatives from each LTER site
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee The diversity committee works to develop resources and best practices for encouraging diversity within the LTER Network
Communication Committee [on hiatus] To improve communication both within the LTER community and with external groups.
Publications Committee [currently inactive] LTER Publications Committee
International Long-Term Ecological Research Network Committee Committee that works to facilitate communication between the U.S. LTER and the greater ILTER network
2018 LTER All Scientists Meeting Program Committee [completed] The planning committee for the 2018 LTER All Scientists' Meeting develops the theme, solicits speakers and workshops and plans networking and professional development events.
Climate (currently inactive) The LTER Climate Committee
NISAC (currently inactive) Network Information System Advisory Committee
40-Year Self-Study Committee [completed] The 40-year self-study committee is responsible for organizing documentation in advance of the 40-year review of the LTER program to take place in 2020.
LTER Spatial Data and Analysis (currently inactive) LTER Spatial Data and Analysis Ad-hoc Committee
Social-Ecological Science Interest Group (currently inactive) The LTER Socioeconomic Research interest group
Synthesis Data (currently inactive) Responsible for the development and prioritization of data for network synthetic activities