Opportunity Type:

Original posting:  https://hr.myu.umn.edu/psc/hrprd/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&SiteId=1&FOCUS=Applicant&JobOpeningId=354604&PostingSeq=1&

Postdoctoral Associate – Nutrient Network (NutNet) & Disturbance and Resources Across Global Grasslands (DRAGNet) Projects

Conduct and publish scholarly research within the broad purview of two globally replicated experiments manipulating nutrient supply, herbivores, and soil disturbance in grasslands worldwide: the Nutrient Network (NutNet; nutnet.org) and Disturbance and Resources Across Global Grasslands (DRAGNet: dragnetglobal.weebly.com). This work includes coordinating and managing the data from these experimental networks.  Effort allocation for this position is approximately as follows:

60% Conduct and publish independent scholarly research using existing NutNet or DRAGNet data. Collect and analyze new network-scale data from field sites or existing data sources to address novel questions.

25% Develop and implement data management tools and protocols to facilitate collaborative research using data generated by the Nutrient Network. Validate and incorporate new data into the central database.

15% Assist collaborators with decisions on experimental implementation, data collection, and data management. Maintain and develop DRAGNet and NutNet research and outreach websites. Help coordinate research meetings and collaborative interactions among project participants.