Opportunity Type:

The CAP LTER has been funded by the National Science Foundation’s Long-term Ecological Research Program (LTER) for 25 years to study the urban ecology of metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scholar to conduct interdisciplinary social-ecological research with CAP scholars to explore the spatial-temporal drivers and outcomes of environmental patterns and processes across diverse urban ecological infrastructure (UEI). More specifically, the postdoc will develop and analyze land use/cover change and bioclimatic metrics in residential landscapes and open spaces (e.g., urban parks, riparian areas, desert preserves) within the CAP ecosystem at various spatial and temporal scales to understand how varied urban environmental factors shape vegetation and wildlife communities. The ideal candidate will develop their research ideas in collaboration with primary faculty mentor(s) within the CAP LTER Research Teams that organize our work and have the opportunity to work with our land use land cover change group on standard data products that they produce for the CAP research community.

To apply, see: https://apply.interfolio.com/119382