Credit: K.Stepnitz, Michigan State University
LTER recognizes the value of sustained interactions between students, teachers, and scientists, and strives to integrate LTER science with K-12 education. Most LTER sites conduct individual programs at the local level, and the network supports centralized approaches to educational initiatives.
Education/Outreach goals include:
- Utilizing LTER resources to enhance hands-on science learning for students
- Developing long-term research sites on or near school yards
- Facilitating communication between LTER scientists, formal and informal science educators, and school teachers
- Helping ecology education make best use of long-term studies
- Fostering understanding of the Earth’s ecosystems, including local ones
- Promoting outdoor, inquiry-based learning
- Stimulating interdisciplinary, collaborative science learning
- Integrating long-term and multi-factorial studies into education reform
- Promoting broad understanding of long-term ecological processes and the earth’s ecosystem
Committee membership is identified by sites (at least 1 per site). Meetings are scheduled monthly and attendance is voluntary and dependent on individual members’ schedules and availability.
2018-2019 Accomplishments:
Major activities or accomplishments for the year: EOC developed multiple ASM workshops focused on education / outreach topics, including data literacy, stakeholder engagement and social science research, children’s book series curriculum, and integration of sciences and humanities. EOC also supported the initiation of a cross-site REU program, including introductory webinars, sponsored ASM attendance, and the first Schwarzschild Memorial Award for Science and Communication.
2019-20 Planned activities:
Planned activities for the coming year: synthesis paper/book chapter about LTER education history, expansion of cross-site activities including webinar and common K-12 data collection on soil decomposition, development of cross-site Children’s Books as a new initiative in the series.
2019 Subcommittees:
- 40-Year Review
- Assessment and Metrics
- Children’s Book Series
- Citizen Science / Common Data
- Data Literacy
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Professional Development
- Research Experiences For…… (RET, REU, higher ed)
- Synthesis Paper
2018 Subcommittees:
- Ecological Data Literacy
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Children’s Book Series
- Assessment
- Citizen Science
- Higher Education
2017 Subcommittees:
- Ecological Data Literacy: Alan Berkowitz (BES), Kari O’Connell (AND)
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): Steven McGee (LUQ)
- Children’s Book Series: Adrian Howkins (MCM)
- Higher Education: vacant
- Citizen Science: Elena Sparrow (BNZ)
- Professional Development: Kara Haas (KBS)
- Guide to the Education and Outreach Committee: Jill Haukos (KNZ), Marty Downs (NCO)
Graduate Student Representative: Alix Conway (BNZ)