
Lantow, J. L. 1930. Supplemental feeding of range cattle
Campbell, R.S. 1929. Soapweed : 1. bibliography/016.pdf.
Lantow, J. L. 1929. The poisoning of livestock by Drymaria pachyphylla
Canfield, R.H. 1939. Ways and means to minimize the ill effects of drought on black grama ranges : 7. bibliography/051.pdf.
Campbell, R.S.;Crafts, E.C. 1938. Tentative range utilization standards; black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda) : 4. bibliography/040.pdf.
Watkins, W. E. 1937. The calcium and phosphorus contents of important New Mexico range forages
Knox, J. H.;Neale, P. E. 1937. Mineral supplements for cattle on phosphorus-deficient range
Bridges, J. O. 1942. Reseeding practices for New Mexico ranges
Knox, J. H.;Watkins, W. E. 1942. The use of phosphorus and calcium supplements for range livestock in New Mexico
Bridges, J. O. 1941. Reseeding trials on arid rangeland
Knox, J. H.;Benner, J. W.;Watkins, W. E. 1941. Seasonal calcium and phosphorous requirements of range cattle as shown by blood analysis
Canfield, R.H. 1939. Semideferred grazing as a restorative measure for black grama ranges : 4. bibliography/050.pdf.
Canfield, R.H. 1939. Maintaining the balance between summer and winter forage on black grama ranges : 4. bibliography/049.pdf.
Valentine, K. A. 1947. Effect of Water-Retaining and Water-Spreading Structures in Revegetating Semidesert Range Land 341: . bibliography/044.pdf.
Knox, J. H.;Benner, J. W.;Watkins, W. E. 1946. Seasonal feeding of mineral supplements
Watkins, W. E. 1943. Composition of range grasses and browse at varying stages of maturity
Knox, J. H.;Watkins, W. E.;Koger, M.;Valentine, K. A. 1951. Research on the College Ranch
Norris, J. J. 1950. Effect of Rodents, Rabbits, and Cattle on Two Vegetation Types in Semidesert Range Land : 24. bibliography/103.pdf.
Watkins, W. E.;Knox, J. H.;Benner, J. W. 1950. Carotene and Vitamin A in the blood plasma of range cows
Norris, J. J. 1950. Effects of rodents, rabbits, and cattle on two vegetation types in semi-desert range land