The fraction of correlations between individuals of two species for which the correlation between individuals of the same species is greater than those for individuals of different species, as seen in forests characteristic of the region surrounding the Coweeta LTER
Clark et al 2010
For Further Reading:
Clark, James S., David Bell, Changjin Chu, Benoit Courbaud, Michael Dietze, Michelle Hersh, Janneke HilleRisLambers, Ines Ibanez, Shannon LaDeau, Sean McMahon, Jessica Metcalf, Jacqueline Mohan, Emily Moran, Luke Pangle, Scott Pearson, Carl Salk, Zehao Shen, Denis Vvalle, and Peter Wyckoff. 2011 High dimensional coexistence based on individual variation: A synthesis of evidence. Ecological Monographs, In Press.
Clark, James S. 2005. Why environmental scientists are becoming Bayesians. Ecology Letters 8:2-14.
Beckage, Brian and James S. Clark. 2005. Does predation contribute to tree diversity? Oecologia 143:458-469.