The Long-Term Ecological Research Network Office, or LNO, provides critical services in support of the research and education goals of the LTER network of 26 field research projects, represents the network in its interactions with other scientific networks and centers, facilitates the operation of the network as a cohesive research entity, and fosters new, broadly-based initiatives that extend LTER science, education, and cyberinfrastructure to new communities. Significant changes in the vision for LTER network science have taken place since the last renewal in 2003 and this proposal reflects those changes. The decadal plan for LTER, the result of an intensive three-year planning effort by the LTER network, describes a broad vision for LTER science that encompasses substantial new levels of synthesis and transdisciplinary research. The proposal includes support for continuing operations of the LNO to maintain the historical trajectory of LNO operations and LTER network functioning. Continuing operations include organization of two all scientists meetings in 2009 and 2012; basic cyberinfrastructure support for the LTER network; stewardship of network databases; continued development of the LTER network information system; information technology, database, and web consulting to LTER sites; facilitation of network governance meetings; development of a strategic communication plan; communication of information about LTER to a variety of audiences; and creation and maintenance of strategic partnerships. The proposal also outlines new approaches to assess and evaluate the outcomes of activities to help inform a flexible and responsive management strategy for the LNO.

The impact of the proposed work extends well beyond the bounds of LTER to include the broader social-ecological and informatics communities. The LNO is critical to the stimulation of the interdisciplinary interactions necessary to begin to address LTER decadal plan goals. These developing collaborations will encourage broader-scale transdisciplinary activities across the network as envisioned in the decadal plan.