Grant history of an LTER site

Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER6)

The Andrews Forest is located in the western Cascade Mountains of Oregon, one of six original Long-Term Ecological Research projects that began in 1980. It was built on a long research history by the Forest Service and has a record of ground-breaking science and application to forest management and conservation. The terrain is mountainous and… Read more »

Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER7)

Climate change forecasts for the Pacific Northwest portend drought, decreased snow packs, and increased wildfire. Predictions for how Pacific Northwest ecosystems will respond to climate change face both scientific and social challenges. First, observed rates of climate change in this region vary in both space and time. Second, forest governance systems face conflicting pressures to… Read more »

LTER: Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER8)

The Pacific Northwest is experiencing increased drought and wildfire, and decreased snow packs. There is much uncertainty about how its ecosystems of forests, streams, and mountain meadows will respond. Ecologically, these habitats are experiencing environmental changes in very different ways. Socially, public values associated with these areas vary greatly and can be in conflict with… Read more »

Arctic LTER: Climate Change and Changing Disturbance Regimes in Arctic Landscapes

This award supports the fifth phase of the Long Term Ecological Research Site (ARC LTER) at Toolik Lake, AK. The arctic region has warmed significantly over the past 30 years and arctic lands and freshwaters are already changing in response. The changes include a general “greening” of the arctic landscape, changes in species distributions and… Read more »

LTER: The Role of Climate Variability in Controlling Arctic Ecosystem Function

The Arctic is warming more rapidly than the rest of the planet. Thawing of previously frozen soils will have consequences for society through alteration of carbon emissions. Most previous research has focused on how Arctic ecosystems respond to average warming trends. There is however very little research on variability of environmental conditions within that average… Read more »