In This Issue: EcoTrends Project comes of age; Evaluating performance of the Network Office; LTER Decadal Plan—Where are we now?; Call for proposals for LTER Working Groups ; LTER sites to get direct broadcast satellite data; Factors affecting the success of Collaboration at a distance; Publicizing your research results—The LINX experience: Long-Term Soil Observatories team up ; NSF–Looking back, reflecting on the future; Alaska fire sparks new research at Arctic LTER; Andrews Forest REUs study soil and climate change effects …[as]…others go wireless; FCE LTER website gets new look; Andrews Forest scientists contribute to LINX paper; Graduate students enrich LTER community; The USA National Phenology Network; Multicultural students gain exposure at Harvard Forest; Birds of a feather flock together when adapting to urban environments; Metadata for ecological genomics; NSF gives go ahead to microbial biodiversity survey and inventory.
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