
March 26, 2025    
9:00 am-10:00 am

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Recruiting and Retaining Scientists in the LTER: How to find and keep the best and brightest!

LTER Community Call hosted by the GSC + BP committees 

When: March 26 at 9am PT/10am MT/ 11am CT/12pm ET

Results from the LTER Network’s recent climate survey showed that sites’ personnel become more uniform as their tenure increases. This mirrors trends within the discipline of ecology – and broadly within STEM – where senior leadership often does not represent the field at large. A significant pool of early-career ecologists exists across the LTER Network, and several LTER sites have drawn from this pool to introduce new perspectives to their co-PI teams and collaborative projects. This pool of researchers presents an opportunity to broaden participation within LTER leadership at the site and network levels by adjusting our recruitment practices and retention to find and keep the best and brightest scientists in the field.