Fig.1 Dave Frey scouts location for a quantitative soil pit in Watershed 2 by taking a tree core in one of the younger trees in the old growth stand to date the age of the most recent landslide.
Fig.1 Dave Frey scouts location for a quantitative soil pit in Watershed 2 by taking a tree core in one of the younger trees in the old growth stand to date the age of the most recent landslide.
Lookout Creek is monitored as part of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest LTER site in the Cascades Mountains of Western Oregon, USA.
AND-LTER08-2020-proposal Proposal for the 8th cycle of the Andrews Forest LTER Site, submitted March 2020.
A thick layer of ash blankets the forest floor on both sides of a trail through Watershed 1 after the Holiday Fire. Andrews Forest LTER by Mark Schulze via CC-BY
Forest Service staff members inspect Watershed 1 in Andrews Forest. Andrews Forest LTER by HJA Staff via CC-BY
This tree label melted during the fire. Andrews Forest LTER by HJA Staff via CC-BY
View of the Holiday Fire burning through H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Andrews Forest LTER by Mark Schulze via CC-BY
Eriks Zambello
Lina DiGregorio