Photo of Frances Cohen, Amelia Harris, and the terrestrial research assistant, Savannah Kjaer on the still frozen Toolik Lake
Photo of Frances Cohen, Amelia Harris, and the terrestrial research assistant, Savannah Kjaer on the still frozen Toolik Lake
Amelia Harris spreading fertilizer in a long-term fertilization experimental site.
Photo of “fall” (mid-August) in the Arctic.
Flowers thrive within a greenhouse at the Arctic LTER. These are Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala). Researchers use these greenhouses to simulate the effects of a warmer climate on tundra plants. The CoRRE Database contains data from experiments such as this one across the globe.
Haley Dunleavy conducting enzyme assays in the lab.
Emily Brooke, research technician on the project, sampling at the fertilization gradient experiment at ARC.
Dwarf birch and Labrador tea growing together at ARC.
Haley Dunleavy sampling ectomycorrhizal shrubs at the Arctic LTER.
Credit: Diana Magnusen