KBS graduate student collects insects from a malaise trap in the field.
KBS graduate student collects insects from a malaise trap in the field.
Members of the Michigan Prairie Strips team at the Kellogg Biological Station LTER.
A soil core from the Kellogg Biological Station LTER. Biogeochemical data from cores across the LTER network allowed researchers to study the link between the carbon and nitrogen cycles in this synthesis project.
Two Harmonia axyridis ladybeetles.
Insect sticky trap used to collect ladybeetles.
Experimental mesocosms, such as those pictured here, help to bridge researchers’ understanding of mechanisms with whole system dynamics.
A prairie strip growing in wheat at the KBS LTER Main Cropping Systems Experiment. Kurt Stepnitz
A KBS LTER graduate student collects soil cores in a prairie strip on the Main Cropping Systems Experiment. Kurt Stepnitz