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Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistantship in Stream Fish Ecology

Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistantship in Stream Fish Ecology University of Alaska Fairbanks – Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Responsibilities – Funds are expected to support a Ph.D. student to investigate the effects of fire in boreal watersheds through empirical studies focused on characterizing physical and biological mechanisms driving aquatic habitat dynamics and productivity. Specific… Read more »

Diversity Mentor faculty position in Earth & Environment Department at FIU, Miami

Diversity Mentor faculty position in Earth & Environment Department at FIU, Miami Florida International University invites applicants for a senior faculty position in Earth and Environment (Associate Professor or Professor) as part of FIU’s Diversity Mentor Professorship Initiative to recruit excellent STEM faculty with a history and commitment to the mentorship of students from underrepresented and underserved populations,… Read more »

Kellogg Biological Station LTER REU Position (2017)

Kellogg Biological Station LTER REU Position What happens to carbon that moves between stream and groundwater ecosystems? Background:  Carbon, particularly organic carbon, is a master variable in aquatic ecosystems, controlling nutrient and contaminant cycling, food webs, and drinking water quality. Organic carbon composition is complex and varies dependent upon its origin, and therefore what it does… Read more »

Harvard Forest REU Program (2018)

Harvard Forest REU Program The Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology is an opportunity for students to participate in 11 weeks of mentored, paid, independent research focusing on the effects of natural and human disturbances on forest ecosystems, including global climate change, hurricanes, forest harvest, and pest and pathogens. Researchers come from many disciplines, and… Read more »

Communications Planning

Communicating the results of your work effectively is more than just a matter of tweets and press releases. It involves a clear plan that defines your goals, audiences, and messages and considers what opportunities and barriers might lie in the way. Your aim should be catching the right people’s attention – who really needs to… Read more »

Community Science

LTER community science projects partner non-scientist members of the public with research scientists through education and outreach activities. These activities range from local community driven environmental data collection to global scale observations.  Community science participants can come from any age group and represent the diversity of the local community and of the nation.  To aid… Read more »

Site Activities

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News Submission

Do you have news that might be of interest to the LTER (or broader) community? Let us know what's happening and we'll share it via the most appropriate channels. Examples include upcoming papers and reports (the earlier we know, the more we can do), new grants related to LTER, new education and arts initiatives, or... Read more »

SPUR Fellowship: Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics in a Changing World (2017)

SPUR Fellowship: Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics in a Changing World The W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Long-Term Ecological Research Site at Michigan State University is a partner research site with the SPUR Fellowship. As a fellow, you will have the opportunity to develop a question for your stufy, write a proposal, develop the methodology, conduct the study, and analyze… Read more »

SPUR Fellowship: Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program REU (2017)

SPUR Fellowship: Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program REU The Centeral Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site at Arizona State University is a partner research site with the SPUR Fellowship. As a fellow, you will have the opportunity to develop a question for your stufy, write a proposal, develop the methodology, conduct the study, and analyze results, thereby… Read more »