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Urban Water Sustainability

Urban Water Sustainability
Claire Welty, Baltimore Ecosystem Study

Thursday, March 01, 2012
10:30 AM EST
31 Minutes 59 Seconds

Using the Landscape to Mitigate Vulnerability and Enhance Resilience

Using the Landscape to Mitigate Vulnerability and Enhance Resilience

Billie Turner II, Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER

Thursday, March 01, 2012

11:30 AM EST

16 Minutes 58 Seconds

2012 LTER ASM Exit Survey

Appended  are the tabular results from the 2012 LTER Exit Survey.

Individual responses will be reserved for review by the LTER Network
Office and the 2015 LTER ASM Program Committee since some responses
include reference to individuals, and some taken individually do not
reflect the consensus – although all comments will be considered for the
2015 program.

Network News Fall Issue Published

Check out the new Network News issue, featuring numerous articles about the 2012 All Scientists Meeting, as well as other topics of interest:

Scaling Up to the Catchment

Though Coweeta became one of the first LTER sites in 1980, the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory as funded by the United States Forest Service has been in existence since 1934. Today the LTER and the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory coexist in the same complex of buildings and laboratories, collaborating and sharing data that now spans nearly eight… Read more »

Forest Biodiversity

Simple models predict that biodiversity of forests should be much lower than that actually observed. Because only a few limiting resources are evident for trees, simple models would indicate that a forest would ultimately stabilize with only the few species that are the strongest competitors for the few available niches. However, observed diversity is much… Read more »