
Mitchell, K.A.;Peters, D.C.;Monger, C.;Herrick, J.E. 2002. Quantifying changes in carbon pools accompanying shrub invasion of a desert grassland : 110.
Medina, A.;Lucero, M.E.;O'Connell, M. 2002. Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Anemposis californica : 60 (BP-2).
Hochstrasser, T.;Peters, D.C.;Fehmi, J.S. 2002. Disturbance, vegetation and climate: determining critical factors affecting recovery in desert grasslands : 159.
Kerley, G. IH;Whitford, W. G. 2002. Does kangaroo rat graminivory contribute to the persistence of desertified shrublands? : 177.
Herrick, J.E.;Thomas, R.B. 2002. Effects of leaf age on the photosynthetic capacity of sweetgum after 5 years CO2 enrichment : 363.
Killgore, A.;Whitford, W. G. 2002. A GIS model of soil processes for arid land management : 373.
Nash, M.S.;Jackson, E.;Whitford, W. G. 2002. Grazing effects on microtopography in a desert grassland : 398.
Peters, D.C.;Urban, D.L.;Herrick, J.E. 2002. Introduction and overview: approaches to addressing landscape-scale problems in ecology : 41.
Mitchell, K.A.;Peters, D.C.;Monger, H. C.;Herrick, J.E. 2002. Long-term changes in carbon pools accompanying shrub invasion of a desert grassland: the Jornada Experimental Range, 1850-today : 215.
Fredrickson, E.L.;Andersen, M.C.;Ford, P.L.;Truett, J.C.;Roemer, G. 2002. Mowing versus fire on expansion of black-tailed prairie dogs reintroduced into Chihuahuan Desert grasslands : 352.
Breshears, D.D.;Mitchell, K.A.;Allen, C.D.;Bestelmeyer, B.T.;Gross, J.E.;Monger, H. C. 2002. Scale-dependency of approaches: contrasts and comparisons among ecological disciplines : 10.
Parton, W.J.;Lane, D.;Bestelmeyer, B.T.;Mitchell, K.A.;Kelly, R. 2002. Simple and weighted averaging approaches to scaling: when can spatial context be ignored? : 41.
Ritchie, J.C.;Schmugge, T.J.;Jacob, F.;Rango, A.;Chopping, M.J. 2002. Spectral reflectance differences of northern Chihuahuan Desert vegetation : 415.
Coughenour, M.;Pielke, R.;Goslee, S.C. 2002. Top-down vs. bottom-up: Alternative, complementary scaling approaches : 14.
Rango, A.;Buonopane, M.;Huenneke, L. F.;Havstad, K.M.;Maxwell, C.J.;Gonzalez, A.L.;Herrick, J.E. 2002. Utilization of historic aerial photography to track long-term vegetation response to rangeland treatments : 243.
Bestelmeyer, B.T.;Brown, J.R.;Havstad, K.M. 2002. What does an ecological threshold look like? Scale-dependent causes of a grassland-shrubland transition : 319.
Havstad, K.M.;Brown, J.R. 2002. Applications of scaling approaches to restoring ecosystems : 24.
Yao, J.;Peters, D.C.;Gibbens, R.P.;Havstad, K.M. 2002. Response of perennial grasses to precipitation in the northern Chihuahuan Desert: implications for grassland restoration : 302.
Lucero, M.E.;Estell, R.E.;Wang, Y. 2002. Rapid profiling of shrub volatiles using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) : 27.
Mitchell, K.A.;Breshears, D.D.;Allen, C.D.;Bestelmeyer, B.T.;Gross, J.E. 2002. Comparing and contrasting scaling approaches across ecological disciplines: case studies of vegetation, biogeochemical and animal dynamics : 88-89.