
Christian, James R.;Karl, David M. 1994. Palmer LTER: Relative activities of several bacterial exoenzymes in the western Antarctic Peninsula during austral summer: Evidence of sea ice influence on pelagic bacterial communities 29 (5): 212-214.
Karl, David M.;Dore, John E.;Houlihan, Terrence;Hebel, D. V.;Asper, V. L. 1994. The Palmer LTER sediment trap array experiment: Initial results 29 (5): 222-224.
Sullivan, Barbara;Matlick, Harry A.;Prezelin, Barbara B. 1994. Palmer LTER: Patterns of distribution of inorganic macronutrients, phytoplankton pigmentation, and photosynthetic activity in an ice-dominated ecosystem in austral winter 1993 29 (5): 207-209.
Schofield, Oscar M.;Prezelin, Barbara B.;Moline, Mark A. 1994. Palmer LTER: Photoadaptation in a coastal phytoplankton bloom and impact on the radiation utilization efficiency for carbon fixation 29 (5): 215-216.
Moline, Mark A.;Prezelin, Barbara B. 1994. Palmer LTER: Impact of a large diatom bloom on macronutrient distribution in Arthur Harbor during austral summer 1991-1992 29 (5): 217-219.
Christian, James R.;Karl, David M. 1995. Measuring bacterial exocellular enzymes in marine waters using mercuric chloride as a preservative and a control 123: 217-224.
Klinck, John M.;Smith, David A.;Smith, Raymond C. 1994. Palmer LTER: Hydrography in the LTER region during August and September 1993 29 (5): 219-221.
Letelier, Ricardo M.;Abbott, Mark R.;Karl, David M. 1996. Southern ocean optical drifter experiment 30 (5): 108-119.
Karl, David M. 1995. Palmer LTER: Project SANTA CLAuS: December 1994 30 (5): 252-254.
Fraser, William R.;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z. 1995. Palmer LTER: Relationships between variability in sea-ice coverage, krill recruitment, and the foraging ecology of Adelie penguins 30 (5): 271-272.
Klinck, John M. 1995. Palmer LTER: Comparison between a global tide model and observed tides at Palmer Station 30 (5): 263-264.
Smith, David S.;Lascara, Cathy M.;Klinck, John M.;Hofmann, Eileen E.;Smith, Raymond C. 1995. Palmer LTER: Hydrography in the inner shelf region 30 (5): 258-260.
Passow, U.;Kozlowski, Wendy A.;Vernet, Maria 1995. Palmer LTER: Temporal variability of transparent exopolymer particles in Arthur Harbor during the 1994/1995 growth season 30 (5): 265-266.
Vernet, Maria;Kozlowski, Wendy A.;Ruel, Ted 1995. Palmer LTER: Temporal variability in primary production in Arthur Harbor during the 1994/1995 growth season 30 (5): 266-267.
Kozlowski, Wendy A.;Vernet, Maria;Lamerdin, Stewart 1995. Palmer LTER: Predominance of cryptomonads and diatoms in antarctic coastal waters 30 (5): 267-268.
Quetin, Langdon B.;Ross, Robin M.;Smith, Raymond C.;Baker, Karen S. 1995. Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER): Winter ecology cruise, August/September 1993 (PD93-7) 30 (5): 249-252.
Ross, Robin M.;Quetin, Langdon B.;Baker, Karen S. 1995. Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER): Annual January cruise for 1994 (PD94-1) 30 (5): 246-249.
Stammerjohn, Sharon E.;Smith, Raymond C. 1995. Palmer LTER: Sea-ice coverage in the Long-Term Ecological Research region 30 (5): 255-256.
Baker, Karen S.;Stammerjohn, Sharon E. 1995. Palmer LTER: Palmer Station weather records 30 (5): 257-258.
Quetin, Langdon B.;Baker, Karen S.;Fraser, William R.;Hardesty, Denise;Jones, Janice L.;Ross, Robin M.;Smith, Raymond C.;Somervill, Laura;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z.;Vernet, Maria 1995. Palmer LTER: Observations in foraging areas of Adelie penguins during the January 1995 cruise 30 (5): 269-271.