
Smith, Raymond C.;Jones, Janice L.;Quetin, Langdon B.;Ross, Robin M.;Fraser, William R.;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z.;Somervill, Laura;Hardesty, Denise 1995. Palmer LTER: Seabird picket-line sampling and zodiac tracking during the January 1995 cruise 30 (5): 273-274.
Smith, Raymond C. 1995. Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER): Annual January cruise for 1995 (PD95-1) 30 (5): 243-245.
Schofield, Oscar M.;Moline, Mark A.;Prezelin, Barbara B. 1995. Palmer LTER: Photoacclimation in a coastal phytoplankton bloom 30 (5): 260-262.
Ross, Robin M.;Quetin, Langdon B. 1991. Ecological physiology of larval euphausiids, Euphausia superba (Euphausiacea) 31: 321-333.
Moline, Mark A.;Prezelin, Barbara B. 1996. Palmer LTER 1991-1994: Long-term monitoring and analyses of physical factors regulating variability in coastal Antarctic phytoplankton biomass, in situ productivity and taxonomic composition over subseasonal, seasonal and interannual time scales phytoplan 145 (1-3): 143-160.
Boucher, Nicolas P.;Prezelin, Barbara B. 1996. Spectral modeling of UV inhibition of in situ Antarctic primary production using a field derived biological weighting function 64 (3): 407-418.
McCormick, D. F.;Emslie, Steven D.;Karnovsky, Nina J.;Keith, L. W.;Trivelpiece, Susan G.;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z. 1993. Continuing studies of the demography and foraging behavior of Pygoscelis penguins 28 (5): 151-152.
Wallace, D. F.;McClure, M.;Trivelpiece, Susan G.;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z. 1991. Continuing studies of the population biology and foraging behavior of Adelie, Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins 26 (5): .
Emslie, Steven D.;Karnovsky, Nina J.;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z. 1995. Avian predation at penguin colonies on King George Island, Antarctica 107 (2): 317-327.
Moline, Mark A.;Prezelin, Barbara B.;Schofield, Oscar M. 1995. Statistical analyses of environmental predictors for phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters and productivity in an antarctic time series database 30 (5): 162-165.
Trivelpiece, Susan G.;Dilling, R.;Mader, Tracey;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z.;Yanega, G. 1995. Seabird behavior, ecology, and demography at Admiralty Bay, King George Island 30 (5): 183-184.
Karnovsky, Nina J.;Dilling, R.;Klock, S.;Trivelpiece, Susan G.;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z.;Emslie, Steven D. 1995. Demographic studies of seabirds at Admiralty Bay, King George Island 30 (5): 185-186.
Smith, Raymond C.;Baker, Karen S.;Fraser, William R.;Hofmann, Eileen E.;Karl, David M.;Klinck, John M.;Quetin, Langdon B.;Prezelin, Barbara B.;Ross, Robin M.;Trivelpiece, Wayne Z.;Vernet, Maria 1995. The Palmer LTER: A long-term ecological research program at Palmer Station, Antarctica 8 (3): 77-86.
Ross, Robin M.;Quetin, Langdon B.;Haberman, Karen L. 1998. Interannual and seasonal variability in short-term grazing impact of Euphausia superba in nearshore and offshore waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula 17 (1-4): 261-273.
Moline, Mark A.;Prezelin, Barbara B.;Claustre, Herve 1996. Light-saturated primary production in Antarctic coastal waters 31 (2): 105-107.
Stammerjohn, Sharon E.;Smith, Raymond C. 1997. Opposing Southern Ocean climate patterns as revealed by trends in regional sea ice coverage 37 (4): 617-639.
Vernet, Maria;Kozlowski, Wendy A.;Rosenfield, Jonah;Greaves, Andrew 1996. Palmer LTER: Temporal variability in primary production in Arthur Harbor during the 1995/1996 growth season 31 (2): 181-182.
Patterson, Karen W.;Handley, Philip L.;Smith, Raymond C. 1996. Palmer LTER: Open water PUV albedo measurements 31 (2): 170-171.
Vernet, Maria;Baker, Karen S. 1996. Palmer LTER: Annual January Cruise for 1996 (PD96-1) 31 (2): 157-159.
Smith, Raymond C.;Quetin, Langdon B.;Jones, Janice L.;Menzies, David W.;Newberger, Timothy A. 1996. Palmer LTER: Small boat design for water column sampling 31 (2): 167-169.