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Monk, C. D., and F. P. Day, Jr. 1988. Biomass, primary production, and selected nutrient budgets for an undisturbed hardwood watershed. T. Swank and D. A. Crossley, Jr., editor. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
Munn, N. L., and J. L. Meyer 1988. Rapid flow through the sediments of a headwater stream in the southern Appalachians.
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Ragsdale, J. L., and C. W. Berish 1988. Trace metals in the atmosphere, forest floor, soil, and vegetation. T. Swank and D. A. Crossley, Jr., editor. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies, vol. 66. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
Risley, L. S., and D. A. Crossley, Jr. 1988. Herbivore-caused greenfall in the Southern Appalachians.
Schowalter, T. D., and D. A. Crossley, Jr. 1988. Canopy arthropods and their response to forest disturbance. T. Swank and D. A. Crossley, Jr., editor. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies, vol. 66. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
Seastedt, T. R., and D. A. Crossley, Jr. 1988. Soil arthropods and their role in decomposition and mineralization processes. T. Swank and D. A. Crossley, Jr., editor. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies, vol. 66. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
Stiven, A. E., and R. C. Bruce 1988. Ecological genetics of the salamander Desmognathus quadramaculatus from disturbed watersheds in the Southern Appalachian Biosphere Reserve Cluster.
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Swank, W. T., and J. M. Vose 1988. Effects of cutting practices on microenvironment in relation to hardwood regeneration. 88-034) 1988 May 24-26. Morgantown, WV. SAF Publ. 88-03. West Virginia University Books, Office of Publications, Morgantown, WV.: .
Swank, W. T., and J. B. Waide 1988. Characterization of baseline precipitation and stream chemistry and nutrient budgets for control watersheds. T. Swank and D. A. Crossley, Jr., editor. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies, vol. 66. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
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