
Zhurbenko, M.;Laursen, G.A. 2003. Lichenicolous fungi from Central Alaska: New Records and Range Extensions 106(3): 460-464.
Chapin III, F.S.;Henry, L.;DeWilde, L. 2004. Wilderness in a Changing Alaska: Managing for Resilience 10(2): 9-13.
Chapin III, F.S.;Callaghan, T.V.;Bergeron, Y.;Fukuda, M.;Johnstone, J.F.;Juday, G.P.;Zimov, S.A. 2004. Global change and the boreal forest: Thresholds, shifting states or gradual change? 33: 361-365.
Chapin III, F.S.;Peterson, G.;Berkes, T.V.;Callaghan, T.V.;Angestam, P.;Apps, M.A.;Beier, C.;Bergeron, Y.;Crepin, A.S.;Danell, K.;Elmqvist, T.;Folke, C.;Forbes, B.C.;Fresco, N.;Juday, G.P.;Niemela, J.;Shvidenko, A.;Whiteman, G. 2004. Resilience and vulnerability of northern regions to social and environmental change 33: 344-349.
Forbes, B.C.;Fresco, N.;Shvidenko, A.;Danell, K.;Chapin III, F.S. 2004. Geographic variations in anthropogenic drivers that influence the vulnerability and resilience of high-latitude nations 33: 377-382.
Ullsten, O.;Speth, J.G.;Chapin III, F.S. 2004. Options for enhancing the resilience of northern countries to rapid social and environmental change: A message to policy makers 33: 343.
Whiteman, G.;Forbes, B.C.;Niemela, J.;Chapin III, F.S. 2004. Bringing feedback and resilience of high-latitude ecosystems into the corporate boardroom 33: 371-376.
Hinzman, L.D.;Bettez, N.;Bolton, W.R.;Chapin III, F.S.;Dyurgerov, M.;Fastie, C.L.;Griffith, B.;Hollister, R.D.;Hope, A.;Huntington, H.P.;Jensen, A.M.;Jia, G.J.;Jorgenson, M.T.;Kane, D.L.;Klein, D.R.;Kofinas, G.P.;Lynch, A.H.;Lloyd, A.H.;McGuire, A.D.;Nelson, F.E.;Oechel, W.C.;Osterkamp, T.;Racine, C.H.;Romanovsky, V.E.;Stone, R.;Stow, D.;Sturm, M.;Tweedie, C.E.;Vourlitis, G.;Walker, M.D.;Walker, D.A.;Webber, P.J.;Welker, J.;Winker, K.;Yoshikawa, K. 2005. Evidence and implications of recent climate change in northern Alaska and other arctic regions 72(3): 251-298.
Hooper, D.U.;Chapin III, F.S.;Ewel, J.J.;Hector, A.;Inchausti, P.;Lavorel, S.;Lawton, J.H.;Lodge, D.M.;Loreau, M.;Naeem, S.;Schmid, B.;Setl, H.;Symstad, A.J.;Vandermeer, J.;Wardle, D.A. 2005. Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: A consensus of current knowledge and needs for future research 75: 3-35.
Lloyd, A.H. 2005. Ecological histories, ecological futures: what recent changes at treeline reveal about the future 86(7): 1687-1695.
Crocker, T.L.;Hendrick, R.L.;Ruess, R.W.;Pregitzer, K.S.;Burton, A.J.;Allen, M.F.;Shan, J.;Morris, L.A. 2003. Substituting root numbers for length: Improving the use of minirhizotrons to study fine root dynamics 23: 127-135.
Anderson, M.D.;Ruess, R.W.;Uliassi, D.;Mitchell, J. 2004. Estimating N2 fixation in two species of Alnus in interior Alaska using acetylene reduction and 15N2 uptake 11: 102-112.
Johnstone, J.F.;Chapin III, F.S. 2003. Non-equilibrium succession dynamics indicate continued northern migration of lodgepole pine 9: 1401-1409.
Ott, R.A.;Juday, G.P. 2002. Canopy gap characteristics and their implications for management in the temperate rainforests of southeast Alaska 159: 271-291.
Wallin, K.F.;Raffa, K.F. 2004. Feedback between individual host selection behavior and population dynamics in an eruptive herbivore : 101-116.
Fastie, C.L.;Lloyd, A.H.;Doak, P. 2003. Fire history and postfire forest development in an upland watershed of interior Alaska 108(D1): 8150. doi:10.1029/2001JD000570.
Hobbie, S.;Schimel, J.;Trumbore, S.E. 2000. Controls over carbon storage and turnover in high-latitude soils 6: 196-210.
Fierer, N.;Schimel, J.;Cates, R.G.;Zou, J. 2001. Influence of balsam poplar tannin fractions on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in Alaskan taiga floodplain soils 33: 1827-1839.
Hinzman, L.D.;Ishikawa, N.;Yoshikawa, K.;Bolton, W.R.;Petrone, K. 2002. Hydroligic studies in Caribou-Poker Creeks research watershed in support of long term ecological research 5-2: 67-71.
Hinzman, L.D. 2002. Caribou-Poker Creeks research watershed: benfits to the mining community 30(10): 6-8.