
Likens, G. E. 1991. Some consequences of long-term human impacts on ecosystems 64 (3): 597-614.
Tritton, L. M. ;Siccama, T. G. 1990. What proportion of standing trees in forests of the Northeast are dead? Bull 117 (2): 163-166.
Bowden, R. D. 1991. Inputs, outputs and accumulation of nitrogen in an early successional moss (Polytrichum) ecosystem 61 (2): 207-223.
Butler, T. J. ;Likens, G. E. 1991. The impact of changing regional emissions on precipitation chemistry in the eastern United States 25A (2): 305-315.
Caraco, N. F. ;Cole, J. J. ;Likens, G. E. 1991. Phosphorus release from anoxic sediments: Lakes that break the rules 24 (15): 2985-2988.
Christ, M. ;Zhang, Y. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Likens, G. E. 1991. Nitrogen immobilization capacity of a northern hardwood forest soil 72 (2): 88.
Duggin, J. A. ;Voigt, G. K. ;Bormann, F. H. 1991. Autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification in response to clear-cutting northern hardwood forest 23 (8): 779-787.
Giblin, A. E. ;Likens, G. E. ;Howarth, R. W. 1991. A reply to the comment by R.E. Stauffer on 'Sulfur storage and alkalinity generation in New England lake sediments' 36 (6): 1265-1271.
Lawrence, G. B. ;Driscoll, C. T. 1990. Longitudinal patterns of concentration-discharge relationships in streamwater draining the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire 116: 147-165.
Likens, G. E. ;Hedin, L. O. ;Butler, T. J. 1990. Some long-term precipitation chemistry patterns at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: extremes and averages 24 (1): 128-135.
Likens, G. E. ;Bormann, F. H. ;Hedin, L. O. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Eaton, J. S. 1990. Dry deposition of sulfur: a 23-year record for the Hubbard Brook Forest Ecosystem 42B: 319-329.
Likens, G. E. ;Bormann, F. H. ;Hedin, L. O. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Eaton, J. S. 1990. Dry deposition of sulfur: A 23-yr record for the Hubbard Brook Forest Ecosystem 71 (2): 231.
Lovett, G. M. ;Kinsman, J. D. 1990. Atmospheric pollutant deposition to high-elevation ecosystems 24A: 2767-2786.
Martin, C. W. ;Hornbeck, J. W. 1990. Regeneration after strip cutting and block clearcutting in northern hardwoods 7 (2): 65-88.
Mattson, M. D. ;Likens, G. E. 1990. Air pressure and methane fluxes 347 (6295): 718-719.
Pardo, L. H. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Siccama, T. G. ;Zhang, Y. 1990. Trends in wood tissue nitrogen concentration in a northern hardwood ecosystem 71 (2): 277-278.
Reitsma, L. R. ;Holmes, R. T. ;Sherry, T. W. 1990. Effects of removal of red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, and eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus nest predation in a northern hardwood forest: an experiment with artificial nests 57 (3): 375-380.
Sherry, T. W. 1990. Review of 'Where Have All the Birds Gone?' by John Terborgh. Princeton University Press 71: 1224-1225.
Hedin, L. O. ;Likens, G. E. ;Postek, K. M. ;Driscoll, C. T. 1990. A field experiment to test whether organic acids buffer acid deposition 345: 798-800.
Hedin, L. O. ;Granat, L. ;Likens, G. E. ;Rodhe, H. 1990. Strong similarities in seasonal concentration ratios of SO42- , NO3- and NH4+ in precipitation between Sweden and the northeastern US 42B: 454-462.