
Smith, C. T. ;Hornbeck, J. W. 1983. Changes in soil solution chemistry after forest harvest depend on soil drainage class 64 (2): 65.
Strayer, D. L. 1983. Piguetiella blanci, a naidid oligochaete new to North America, with notes on its relationships to Piguetiella michiganensis and Specaria josinae 102 (4): 349-354.
Arthur, M. A. ;Siccama, T. G. 1984. Long-term studies of nutrient concentration in herbaceous species in the northern hardwood forest 65 (2): 273.
Asbury, C. E. 1984. Effects of seepage on the exchange of nutrients between littoral sediments and the epilimnion of an oligotrophic lake 65 (2): 161.
Bowden, R. D. 1983. Nitrogen dynamics in an early successional moss ecosystem 64 (2): 92.
Breemen, N. van ;Mulder, J. ;Driscoll, C. T. 1983. Acidification and alkalinization of soils 75: 283-308.
Carey, A. C. ;Miller, E. A. ;Geballe, G. T. ;Wargo, P. M. ;Smith, W. H. ;Siccama, T. G. 1983. Armillaria mellea and decline of red spruce 68: 794-795.
Confer, J. L. ;Kaaret, T. ;Likens, G. E. 1983. Zooplankton diversity and biomass in recently acidified lakes 40 (1): 36-42.
Federer, C. A. 1983. Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification: depth variation in four New England forest soils 47: 1008-1014.
Hornbeck, J. W. 1983. Book Review — Acid Rain: An Issue in Canadian-American Relations by J.E. Carroll 81 (4): 248.
Hornbeck, J. W. 1983. Book Review — Structure and Function of Northern Coniferous Forests by T. Persson 2 (4): .
Hornbeck, J. W. ;Kropelin, W. K. 1983. Estimating biomass and nutrient removal from a northern hardwood harvest 83 (5): 287-288.
Hornbeck, J. W. ;Peterson, F. ;Edwards, N. T. 1983. Effects of whole-tree harvesting on soil carbon transfer 64 (2): 189.
Johnson, A. H. ;Siccama, T. G. 1983. Acid deposition and forest decline 17 (7): 294A-305A.
Lazrus, A. L. ;Haagenson, P. L. ;Kok, G. L. ;Huebert, B. J. ;Kreitzberg, C. W. ;Likens, G. E. ;Mohnen, V. A. ;Wilson, W. E. ;Winchester, J. W. 1983. Acidity in air and water in a case of warm frontal precipitation 17 (3): 581-591.
Likens, G. E. 1983. A priority for ecological research 64 (4): 234-243.
Likens, G. E. ;Edgerton, E. S. ;Galloway, J. N. 1983. The composition and deposition of organic carbon in precipitation 35B: 16-24.
Melillo, J. M. ;Aber, J. D. ;Muratore, J. F. 1982. Nitrogen and lignin control of hardwood leaf litter decomposition dynamics 63 (3): 621-626.
Nodvin, S. C. 1982. Soil processes and sulfate loss at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest 63 (2): 157.
Robinson, S. K. ;Holmes, R. T. 1982. Foraging behavior of forest birds: the relationships among search tactics, diet, and habitat structure 63 (6): 1918-1931.